Violette1st isn't fake

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This happened back in march of 2018, one day after school I decided to film a reaction video for my youtube channel. After a few minutes of surfing the site for a suitable video to react to and so far most of the videos I found either didn't interest me or I've reacted too already , that is until I finally found "the one". As I continued searching I received a notification that a new video from a channel that I haven't seen in years ......................Violette1st. Back in middle school me and my friends used to watch Violette1st's video's all the time, we always busted out laughing at every single one of her videos. Whenever William throws a tantrum, breaks something, rages on Xbox, Violette talks gibberish, or someone makes a mess in the house, we would laugh out loud for a good 10 minuted I swear back then I considered them the best youtube channel in the world.........................that is until I entered Highschool. Now that i'm 16 and on my sophomore year I began to wonder why the hell I used to find the antics on this channel funny and my friends felt the same too. Curiosity got the better of me so I decided to view their channel again, after clicking on the first video I came across I soon began to watch and observe, after the video ended I didn't laugh or even chuckle as I used too now I found the videos to be not only repetitive but rather irritating. When I heard Violette's gibberish talk after all these years I literally muted my computer, i swear I almost had a headache. I'm beginning to understand why people in the comments nicknamed her "parrot woman". I couldn't help myself and clicked on another video this time it was the episode where William sets his dads car on fire, again I didn't laugh as I found this video insane and rather terrifying. Cause William could have seriously hurt someone or caused the gas tank to explode , and all of this was because Bill turned off the internet. Seriously I would be angry if my parents turned off the internet but I wouldn't go that far, If I did something like that my dad would either ground me for a year or send me to juvie. This video made me realize that William was not only a psychopath but a pyromaniac and whats worse Violette did nothing to stop it and just filmed him instead of being a parent and snatch the lighter fluid away from him and this wasn't even the first time she did nothing to stop him and just filmed like she wanted it to happen. All these videos were mainly the family screaming, raging, and torturing each other in the worst ways imaginable. Speaking of the family I couldn't help but get bad vibes from each of them, I'm not the kind of person to judge a person by their appearance but each of them looked horrible. Bill essentially looked the worst , he was seriously overweight He looked like a giant water balloon and his facial features were horrible, and I couldn't help but gag slightly when he took his shirt off in one of the episodes. Violette was just as overweight and her eyes had some dark clouds in the bangs as if she was stressed or was ready to yell at someone, and her hair looked a bit messy indicating her stress even more. And of course William, I mean he was just as overweight and his legs looked short and stumpy, but I did notice that he's lost quite a bit of weight but he still kept his psychopathic personality. All in all this family defined the word dysfunctional, I know the video's were skits ( or so I thought) but this family tried way too hard to make the audience laugh cause most of these antics they do in their videos could have seriously hurt or killed someone. Again i will never understand why me and my friends used to like these videos, after watching another one of their older videos I was about to exit the channel to continue searching for a worthy reaction video until a notification popped up in my profile which read that Violette1st just posted a new video. I was shocked to discover this as they haven't posted a video since the fortnite monopoly rage video back in 2017, my curiosity got to me again and I soon went back to their upload page to find a new video has popped up titled "Enough is Enough" what made it more mysterious was the fact that the thumbnail was just a picture of a wooden chair in a darkened room. I wondered what the heck this video was about? Was it William getting revenge on a family member for a prank or something? After pondering for a few minutes I decided to give the video a view, and I also decided to react to it cause who knows maybe this is the video where Violette1st redeems herself? So I grabbed my Iphone and placed it on the tripod that I keep next to my computer , after positioning it I pressed play and gave my introduction to my viewers and subscribers. After saying my hello's I pressed play on the video and began to watch, and soon their classic channel opening played and I couldn't help but be hit by some sense of nostalgia. however after the intro finished the video began with William holding the camera in a first person view I was surprised at this as it was rare for a Violette1st video where a different member besides Violette films the video. William then greeted the audience and told the that he has a surprise waiting for then in just a few more steps. After a short trek William reached his destination and to my surprise it was the door to a storage unit, I began to wonder what William was doing at a storage unite cause with him being 18 I wondered what he or anyone else in the family could possibly own that would require a storage unite aside from the boat but they usually keep that in the shed back at home. William then proceeded to type in the passcode to the unit and soon it was unlocked with william saying open sesame as he does it. He then place the camera gently on the ground as he lifted up the sliding door of the unit slightly. He then grabbed the camera and made his way inside, It was pitch black inside we could barely see anything inside hell not even the moonlight could give us any illumination. William them proceeded to close the door and lock it from the inside increasing the darkness even more, after a few seconds William turned on the night vision of his camera and stared at the audience telling us " Check this out fellahs" I began to wonder what this guy was gonna show us from inside this storage unit, but I soon found my answer when William pointed the camera forward and my eyes widened in shock at what I just witnessed........................................There sitting in the center of the room stood non other that the founder of the channel Violette 1st, unconscious, arms tied to the back of the chair, the same chair as seen in the thumbnail. " OH MY GOD" I screamed, what the hell was this kid doing to his mother? I soon got my answer when Violette soon gained consciousness, no doubt he somehow drugged her and dragged her here. Violette was groggy for a moment but soon gained her sanity and looked around all surprised to find herself tied up. "William what's going on, where am I? why am I tied up?!" she asked as an evil smile formed on the teenage boys face. " Simple mom" He began "I want to film a video" Violette was shocked wondering what kind of video William could possibly be filming that required her being tied up, however before she got her answer William walked up and straight up slapped Violette across the face . And I'm being serious when i say that it was a HARD slap as Violette's nose started to bleed indicating that it was now broken and the left side of her face was now swollen with a red mark that also had a few hints of blood. Violette began to tear up after receiving a slap from her son. She asked again why he was doing this to which he replied " It's quite simple mother, I'm getting my revenge" Violette was shocked at this wondering what William meant by revenge, only earning her another slap. William then proceeded to rant about every single event that's been going on these past years on the channel from Violette or someone else waking him up while he's trying to sleep, getting his Xbox destroyed , sold on ebay or confiscated, turning off the internet while he's playing , filming him with the camera, bothering him, making him do stuff he doesn't want too, coming into his room unannounced, trying to force him off of the Xbox, and the list goes on. William proceeded to say that he was tired of violette filming him with that stupid camera and everyone in the family bothering and bullying him so He decided to show Violette how it feels to be filmed when she doesn't want to be. I was beyond shocked at this, I always thought that the video's were skits and that the objects destroyed were props. But after seeing the vengeful look on Williams face I'm beginning to understand that they weren't and now William was about to get his revenge over the years of Violette filming him. Violette teared up even more and begged william to let her go saying that she loved him. But William wasn't convinced and even said " If you loved me mother than you wouldn't have sold my shoes or Xbox on Ebay, put a lock on my powercord all because I wouldn't go swimming, Or wake me up in the middle of the night because of a stupid video, or destroy the fidget spinner I got you on mothers day, Or film me when I refused to do my homework and send it to my principle ,It's too late mother MUCH too late" William then grabbed a hammer off of a nearby crate and proceeded towards Violette who started to panic and plead which played on death ears on William. " I tell you to turn off the camera but do you listen ? NO!!!!!!!! So now I'm gonna turn off this embarrassing youtube channel PERMANENTLY!!!!!" In a flash William then swung the hammer straight into Violette's face, she didn't even have time to scream as the metal head smashed into her face multiple times, the sound of bones cracking and blood gushing out sickened my stomach, there was also some hints of brain matter spewing out as well it was like a horror movie come to life. After bashing her head for like 5 minutes William finally stopped and turned back towards the camera, his face was covered in blood and he had a devilish smile formed on his face which was enough to give someone nightmares. He then grabbed the camera to show the audience his "masterpiece" My eyes widened in shock at what I was looking at. Violette's head was completely smashed, her skull was beyond repair, an eye was hanging out of a socket, tongue was hanging out as well, and her forehead looked completely caved in it almost looked like a cereal bowl with chunks of hair, skin, and brain inside of it. William then turned back to the camera and talked to the audience again " One down 3 to go folks, I think i'll start with that fatass father of mine next up" I didn't stick around I paused the video and turned off my camera as I vomited all over my bedroom floor, I couldn't believe what i just witnessed this kid viciously murdered his mother and now he was gonna go after the rest of his family. My parents soon rushed into the room and saw me in my state and rushed over to comfort me, I then stopped vomiting as my mom asked what was the matter and if I was alright. That's when i proceed to point at my monitor still showing the paused video. Both of my folks stared at the screen wondering what I just watched that could have made me vomit and have a panic attack. But the only words that escaped my mouth were " Violette1st is real"

Violette1st is real

Violette1st is real

Violette1st is real

Violette1st is real




Credited to RegulaFan4evah

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