YouTubers Vs. Creepypastas: MichaelLeroi Fanpasta

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This is the best story ever written by any living being, ever!It is a story bassed off the YouTube series by [Channel]. Watch their stuff before you read this to know who these people are. On with the story!!!

Chapter 1: The Beginning

One day, three British guys named Jacob Sherwood, Matt Dixon and Toby Mitchell were reading a creepypasta (that's a horror story on the internet for those that don't know) for their YouTube show called Bad Creepypasta on the MichaelLeroi channel. This is an internet show where the three of them read Awful Creepypastas and criticise the hell out of them because it's funny.

But it was not only them who were reading the story. They got a lot of other YouTubers to help them through the torcher. They got The Show With No Name, M.D. Phantasm, Vinnce12, The Overanalyst, Laura (the Overanalyst's co-host), The Augmented Russian Heavy, HoodoHoodlumsRevenge and Beast Feenix Gaming.

They got them to guest star again because Toby, being fear itself threatened to show each of them their worst fears if they didn't help. They didn't get all the guests back because that would be too many people.

Anywhosil, the story they were reading was called JEFF THE KILLER VS. EVERY BEING IN EXISTENCE!!! It was amazing! Then a few shark wacking momants and tea cups drank later, they are all transported out of the Skype call to another dimension.They were taken there in about seconds.

They all stand their and wonder what took them out of that hyper-realistic holecaust of wrong that was the story that they were reading.

The place looked dark and scary. Everyone was bamboozled!

Chapter 2: Electric Boogaloo

They were then approached by an essepically funny guy. His name was TheDoubleAgent. He is a 15 year old music critic. He then told them "I am TheDoubleAgent, and you must save the world.". Jacob then asked why he couldn't help them and TheDoubleAgent said "I can't, Ive' got to make my next top ten list." TheDoubleAgent then gave them weapons and sent the YouTubers on their way and worned them to watch out for tence swaps and creepypasta monsters. He then whent away. "but they don't exist. He's probably just kidding." HoodoHoodlumsRevenge said to the others. . They agreed. After all, weren't all creepypasta monsters and stories made up?

"Let's get this over with so I can go home and watch wressleing." Vinnce12 said. They were all armed with laser guns for some reason and some of them got weapons exclusive to them. For example, The Overanalyst and Laura got laptops with no brandname on them and some printer pages, Third got a Hockey Stick and some syrup because he's the plot demanded it.

Alexo did is getting an internship to a company that made TV shows and video games. And because interns were smack dab (or for the British, smack bang) in the middle of always seeing creepy things happen with media, he got a brand new coppy of the greatest game of all time, SANIC.EXE! A purple sound is heard. This made M.D. Phantasm a little angry because the games he was cooking with the flaimthrougher in his mask were not eavenley cooked because of the purple sound which sounded like it had no reason. Matt then got hungry and ate a Treacle Tart in one bite because British. Phantasm then decides to put the games to rest because they didn't cook.

Chapter3: A Man In Green

After the games were put to rest, they moved on. They found a door in the middle of nowhere and decide to go into it because they had nothing better to do. Inside there wasa man who was just standing there and not moving. As soon as he aproached the crew of creepypasta aficionados they realised something.It was Luigi! "I've been waiting for you." says the fictional plumber. "Why?" Third asks. They were all wondering the same thing. Why had Mario's second banana wanted people who don't like bad creepypastas to be there? "So I could kill you!" Luigi said in an egresive manner. No one payed antention to what he said after that. It was just rambling about hating them and how it will get worse. The Overanalyst had enough of the 8 bit character's ranting so he killed him by stabbing him with a knife that he found on the ground. They then whent through the door behind the dead Luigi. They were back outside now.

Chapter 4: The Game and The monsters

They then found a red building. It said "the home of MaRIo!" They then went inside. A voice said the following to them: "It will get worse!" Toby did a throaght laugh as he normaly does during readings of Freaky Tortellini because he took that as a joke. Just then, a blood wistle comes down from the rouf and stabs Phantasm which causes him to drop some F Bombs.

Just after they go inside and avoid getting stabbed by the Blood Wistle a man who resembles the video game protagonist Mario appeared in frunt of them. He said in a voice that sounded like his REAL voice you would expect him to have "It'sa Me, MaRIo!" They all laughed.

Laura and the Overanalyst Google searched on there unbranded laptops for such a name. It turned out that this person is a creepypasta character who was in a creepypasta that is now on the Trolpasta wiki because it sucked. The Show With No Name pulled out an Ipod that that 666 on it to listen to some music. The Ipod once belonged to The Devil according to BootMan Bill who gave it to him along with a hacked Call of Duty game. He listened to the only album on the Ipod that only contained songs that were a mix of dubstep and heavy metal.

Just then a video game consel flew in frunt of them. It luckily landed on the ground. Somehow perhaps do the plot needing to move forward, a bunch of disk trays appears in the consel and they all get a controller in there hands. "You... will... play... the... game...!" says MaRIo. . The game is WARM BUTTEREY BORDERLANDS: The Empire will Rise! Third read the fine print on the case. It said "Now with all new Spookiween DLC!". Phantasm was mad at this because as you all know, he prefers his Borderlands with jelly.

Jacob was first with the controller. The game was not much different than the original Borderlands. The only changes are that the enemies have been replaced with new ones. They include grinning cats, skellitons that say LOL a lot and beasts made of slime. The final boss is an army of Toads lead by the Toad God.

They all decide to use their laser guns and shoot the disks because they have beaten the game. Just then Alexo thinks about snapping his coppy of SANIC.EXE because if he did that, it would all be over. So he plopps the game out but something weard is seen. It does not say SANIC.EXE! Dot, Dot, Dot but it says Michael LEROI AND GUESTS.EXE! They are confused. "Why did someone send a game to us?" asks Jacob. "Who cares?" the Overanalyst says. They then put in the game. They heard a Kefka laugh for no reason. They see a bunch of Spooky Spegheti come out of the game. They are lead by an evil looking Jacob. Toby pulls out his Wand and points at it ready to kill the demonic being. but Matt stops him from using it and says the folloing: "We can't just kill that thing mate, it's a beast virsion of our host!" The creepypastas attack them. so Vinnce12 does a wressleing move to kill a Tails Doll, Phantasm kills Jeff the Killer by shooting him with a gun because he's American, Toby gets so angry at the scottish Slenderman that it dies and this list would be to long if I listed them all. They were free, that is after Third slap shotted MaRIo across the face and the Russian poured vodka on the corpulent figure of the video game character who could totally feel emotions.

Chapter 6: The Ending

Before they left,TheDoubleAgent) came up to them and told them they did a good job and that he just got finished reviewing more songs again. "What would've happen if we didn't kill those beasts?" The Overanalyst asked. "I'll show you after I'm done making my best list of 2015." TheDoubleAgent said. He then showed them the future of what happen if they didn't save all humanity. Jacob stopped making movies and Bad Creepypasta and never finished Darkland, Toby had to watch the Seven Guardians Trailer for the rest of his life and play the game when it came out, Matt had to use his old microphone forever, Show With No Name had to read My Imortal out loud and sellVoldimint toothpaste for the rest of his living on this Earth, HHR only read stories with everything on his top ten worst lists, Vinnce12 could never watch wressleing again and The Overanalyst and Laura were forsed to analyse stories more boring than Petrock.

When Jacob, Toby and Matt arrived back in Inglandburg, Inglend and the others were back on Skype, they got back to reading the story. It was so painful that I can't eavan describe it. Reading the story, that is. As they finished and finished reading the comments and heard all guests rage and leave Skype they heard a knock at the door folloed by the doorbell. "Go answer it, Toby." Matt demanded. "Fine!" Toby said reluctantly and got up and answered it. While Toby was at the door, Matt started lowdley slamming the keys on Jacob's piano. His piano playing sounded like broaken glass being scraiped on concrete. It was that bad. Toby came back with a package that said "To Blue Majora" they also saw a triangle on the package. Toby then wondered out loud "Could this package have been sent to us by the Illuminaati?". "Who gives a fuck?" Jacob said before throing the package into a thing of bleach and burning it.

The police were going to envestagate where the package came from. But, Daric Green was somehow the only one working today, and you all know what happens when you make him envestigate anything.

The package contained a film called The Squidwerd as well as more Spookiween DLC for Borderlands.It also contained a gun you could put on your lap and a Frosty plate.

Thanks for reading! Have a good rest of the day!