You Are A Troll (You Are A Pirate Parody)

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Do what you want 'cause a troll spams free
You are a troll

LOL LOL, you are bitchy
Being a fatass is not ok with me
Do what you want 'cause a troll spams free
You are a troll

You are a troll (Yeah!)

We've got us a brony
To piss off really much
That also likes anime
And is closeted deep away
We'll rage him a lot
His 10 year old precious booty
Spam his profile
And then we'll say TROLOL

LOL LOL, you are bitchy
Being a fatass is not ok with me
Do what you want 'cause a troll spams free
You are a troll


HA HA, you've been a ho in the past
(and now too!)
Giggity giggity giggity lass!
Post that trollface at the end of the chat!
You are a troll

We're going away
Trolling awaits on very wikias
We set press random wikia and explore
And type and hold buttons all day
We will make sockpuppets for our troll
Until it's time we get banned
Then hang up your neck!
Until we spam again!

LOL LOL, you are a dog
If you love to bitch to mods
You are a troll

Hey woah, you're a ho!

LOL LOL, you are bitchy
Being a fatass is not ok with me
Do what you want 'cause a troll spams free
You are a troll

HA HA! We got kicked? We go back lads,
whichever chat you go
Butthurts and geeks we will troll
You are a troll
You are a troll

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