21 Jump Street the Real Story

Revision as of 04:44, 7 September 2015 by imported>Morgan Kingsley


In the year 2007

The story starts when Harold from Total Drama was eliminated and he was getting on his boat to go home. On his way over to the boat, he saw the girl he liked. Her name was Lasharna. "Hey, I don't know if I ever told you this but I had a crush on you for most of the time we were on this show together. Want to be friends?" Harold asked Lasharna and she laughed at him.

"You? No way, I would rather date Cody." She said and Harold went on the boat in defeat. Duncan saw him get on and flipped his rival off.

"Go home and wear your Mommas boy clothes." Duncan said and the boat started to head off. Good for Harold. The longer he stayed there, the more he would want to kill Duncan. Even though he knew he would never win against a guy like Duncan.

In the year 2015

Eight years had passed that event, and Harold was now twenty four years old. He had jumped around a bit on job to job to figure out what he would possibly want. He was tired of not staying at one place for more than a year or two and he wished to get a better living envorinment.

"When are you going to college?" His girlfriend at that time asked him. Harold gave the same answer he always gave her.

"When I have a job that can pay for it. If you hate the fact I haven't done college yet do much then why don't you leave me? Because I'm sick and tired of hearing you complain about it all the time." Harold said angry and his girlfriend got up

"And yet you wonder why you never won that contest of yours. Maybe the answer is right in front of you. You're just a dick." She said slapping him across the face for good measure.

"I will go to college. I just don't know when." Harold tried to beg for her to still stay.

"Harold, even joining the police force would have been something. That would have at least been progress." She said and left him for good. Ending the relationship entirely.

Harold went to his bedroom and flopped on the bed. "Five girlfriends in eight years. Maybe Duncan was right all those years ago and I just will never get anywhere in my miserable life." Harold then thought on it. Maybe his former girlfriend was right and he should try something. Even if it was the police force.

"That's it! I go to the cop school and become a police officer. Not the best job ever but maybe it will be enough. I will start tomorrow." Harold decided and he had never taken anything as serious in his life. The job he least wanted eight years ago is now the only job he wanted.

The next morning, Harold arrived at the police station to get ready for the police school. When he was there, he saw one of his old run intos from several years ago. He should have been angry, but this time he almost wanted to talk to the person.

"Duncan, I wasn't expecting to see you here." Harold admitted, and Duncan was impressed with how Harold looked. Being surprised that he had put on any amount of muscles.

"Yeah I decided to give this a chance after I tried to join the military with my brother and he died. I decided that I didn't want to die either so I came back to the states and looked around until the idea of the police academy came up to me. What about you?"

"A breakup from my girlfriend." Harold confessed and they started talking for a while. Getting to relearn of each other after the eight years it had been since they had last seen each other.

"You seem like a nice guy. Was your attitude one that you put on just for that show?" Harold asked and Duncan nodded.

"I didn't care for anybody else as long as I won the contest. As you know, I did. I won like a million dollars I think but I blew it all pretty quick. In less than a year, I already hit rock bottom and was in worse finical position than I was when I got into that contest." Duncan admitted and asked Harold another question. "Want to start over? Try to become friends this time and not enemies?"

Harold saw Duncan holding his hand out. Harold held it and shook Duncan's hand. Being excited to be getting a second chance on a new friendship. This police idea was starting to hold up now.