A Flavorful Pasta!: Difference between revisions

Created page with "As a Brit, I'm used to needing a loicense for just about anything. My Trollpasta Wroiting Loicense expires a week from now, so I have to wroite this quick. I am a ghost, guvna. I died. Here's how it started... I was boilin' some wa'a for me beef quimbos (pronounced Kim-bo), as the tra'ishnal cookin' method of Bri'ain is boilin'. I was getting me wa'a ready for the beef quimbos when I realized it wasn't Chewsday. I wrote a strongly worded le'a to the guvna to get a new r..."
(Created page with "As a Brit, I'm used to needing a loicense for just about anything. My Trollpasta Wroiting Loicense expires a week from now, so I have to wroite this quick. I am a ghost, guvna. I died. Here's how it started... I was boilin' some wa'a for me beef quimbos (pronounced Kim-bo), as the tra'ishnal cookin' method of Bri'ain is boilin'. I was getting me wa'a ready for the beef quimbos when I realized it wasn't Chewsday. I wrote a strongly worded le'a to the guvna to get a new r...")
(No difference)
