A Forza MotorCurse

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NOTE: I don't completely mean any political offense in the following story.

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It was Christmas. My older and only brother came down for the time. The presents I got were another pillow (this time it was one of those with the extra "two arms"), a wireless keyboard, a drone (which I later lost somewhere in the middle of my neighborhood), exedra.

But what happened that got my attention is that I had received an Xbox One. It looked like an Xbox One S because it was white (not racist), but this is a needless point. What mattered is that I finally got an Xbox. The next 2 presents were a gift card and Forza Motorsport 6.

So as I set up my Xbox... turns out it needed to update. I wanted to set my location on the Xbox other than America, because I thought I could trick people into thinking I lived around UAE or what not. But yeah. I lived in the USA no matter what.

As I set it up, I considered on renaming my gamertag. As my brother had saw it, he thought it was a pretty cool name. But yeah. Having to go through the intro a couple times before getting my hands on real action, that game had to update too. What happened there is a bit too frustrating so we won't describe a whole lot.

The test race (you know, before you could actually go to the menus and stuff) was in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. Heck yeah! I also got to drive a Ford GT 2017 but for that one time. I think I won that race, or maybe... yeah. So, afterwards, I got to see some really cool features like Forzavista, which let you look at your car, see what it's like inside, blah blah.

I forgot to mention; I got a free 14-day trial of Xbox Live Gold. After the whole excitement I wasn't playing on it much, but it was a waste of the trial. Times after I'll play on the Xbox once in a while, but then just give up. Here's to where the whole unfortunate events had started.

As I decided to start up my Xbox One again for more Forza, I went on Multiplayer like last time, and chose "The ABCs" for the race mode. However, I didn't have my Bugatti that I was lucky to achieve after a spin. I instead got the Toyota I once had before it.

However, there was only one player in the server, so I could've made it or not. As it started, the raceway was based in "Barcelona, Spain". Needless points, but yeah. Anywho. The other guy/girl was racing a Formula, but I was ahead of him/her. I actually thought I was going to make it.

But no.

The Formula came in front of me, and later, uselessly trying to catch up, I failed the race, but it had still said I got in 1st place. Suddenly, on the screen was a cut to black. A loading circle... thing appeared in the middle. The screen had cut to a drama mask, saying:

You just couldn't help yourself, could you? Now that you lose, CURSED!

The sudden yelling on that one line got to me.

But if you win the next race, don't worry. I swear I will un-curse you after.

Then the screen cut back to the game, where there was another player. I went to buy a car, and chose a 2005 Lotus Elise. I could afford it, as I had 100 tokens and approx. 72k credits. It looked neat so I just went. I could've swore I saw another player join also, but then he/she left.

The race was placed at Le Mans. The 2 people I competed with... like last time, I was in front of them, but then the other guy got in front of me soon after. Then the other one, putting me in last place. I thought maybe I could catch up, but I gave up. As I clicked to exit the race, the Xbox had turned off by itself. Then the power button light turned a realistic red.

Many know about the infamous "Red Ring of Death" from the previous Xbox. This was the new one. I tried to press the button all I could, but it played the same little sound when you usually turn it on, but much harsher.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of rumbling. The grass started rustling and about one tree broke off. It was like a hurricane. Much like one. Until I saw the moon getting closer and closer, the rumbling sound getting much louder. As it was close enough to crush us all, everything went black. Apparently I had fell into a coma or whatnot.

I woke up in the middle of Ein Bokek in Israel. The city is near the Dead Sea, where I saw thunderstorms and even one swimmer getting struck. I also couldn't speak Hebrew, but thankfully, there was one who was of my language (English, duh).

He walked up to me and said:

I see you're a kid trying to get help.

I once heard that strangers don't help, but kidnap. But I went for it anyway. He was actually one of the very few of his kind to help out. He gave me a ride on his private jet, locating to the United Kingdom.

And that's where I live now, a city in England named Sandwich. Sandwich. So next there will be a city named "Pizza"? But I have my own house over here now. Nice small town delight, almost like where I previously lived. I have a new goodlife here, and the curse does no more effect anymore. So a pretty urgent message: be wise of which car you choose in the game. Otherwise, you'll end up like me, although I'm liking it here.