Accept Your Fate Part 1: Difference between revisions

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The floor was creaking with every step I took, my instincts told me to go slow, to walk gently to the other side, but I couldn't help but think that it would break the longer I stood on it.
told me to go slow, to walk gently to the other side, but I couldn't help but
think that it would break the longer I stood on it.
It was so fragile, and old too, why had no one replaced it?
As I made it to the other side of the house, finally leaning against the wall, I wiped my head, which then bent downwards in dizziness, my hangover taking over my head.
against the wall, I wiped my head, which then bent downwards in dizziness, my
hangover taking over my head.
I made my way through the kitchen, finally, and thankfully, off the stupid creaking floorboards, and after a bit more walking, my dizziness worsening, I fell onto my bed.
off the stupid creaking floorboards, and after a bit more walking, my dizziness
worsening, I fell onto my bed.
"You sure slept well."
The light hit my eyes immediately as I opened my eyes, the world seeming like all kinds of lights and colours, but as it all returned properly, it was just my roommate opening my darn blinds, and literally trying to blind me, so I simply rolled over.
world seeming like all kinds of lights and colours, but as it all returned
properly, it was just my roommate opening my darn blinds, and literally trying
to blind me, so I simply rolled over.
"Fucking jerk" I coughed, slightly yelling in pain as my head hurt, my friend letting out a soft laugh.
as my head hurt, my friend letting out a soft laugh.
"You went out to a pub again didn't you? Didn't end well, hm?" he asked
well, hm?" he asked
I stood up slowly and pouted, "It's my life, my wants."
"Is one of your wants dying?"
I turned to my friend slightly confused, then turned back to my closet pulling out my school uniform.
my closet pulling out my school uniform.
"It's just drinking, don't be ridiculous."
I quickly got dressed as my roommate left for school, myself though, ignoring the kitchen, and heading out the back door this time.
though, ignoring the kitchen, and heading out the back door this time.
The area of my city was pretty country like, there were plenty of houses, and shops, but not as much as the big cities, and not as well built.
The best things the shops sold, were usually big bag of simple chips, big bottles of coke, or 2nd hand clothes honestly. To get better clothes it was a 1 hour drive to the next city.
The area of my city was pretty country like, there were
plenty of houses, and shops, but not as much as the big cities, and not as well
I didn't mind, my life wasn't perfect, so I stood with what I could get, even if they did rip easily and within a week.
The best things the shops sold, were usually big bag of
simple chips, big bottles of coke, or 2nd hand clothes honestly. To get better
clothes it was a 1 hour drive to the next city.
School... do I really need to talk through that boring lecture, as I said, I'm not perfect.
I didn't mind, my life wasn't perfect, so I stood with what
I could get, even if they did rip easily and within a week.
School... do I really need to talk through that boring
lecture, as I said, I'm not perfect.
Why the hell would I succeed at that, like seriously.
All it is, are people who think they can do anything, be it get the girls, and when they get the girl, try to get more, and end up in a hole.
get the girls, and when they get the girl, try to get more, and end up in a
The other groups are just the geeks.
Line 69 ⟶ 41:
I'm not suited for that kind of business.
As I reached my home, I realized my neighbour was working on his garden, watering his gardens as he usually did, but as I entered my front yard, he actually looked up instantly.
As I reached my home, I realised my neighbour was working on
his garden, watering his gardens as he usually did, but as I entered my front
yard, he actually looked up instantly.
"Ah, welcome home" he greeted.
I found this odd to be honest, he was usually quiet, I thought he was deaf, at least that was what I was told about from his wife, before she passed.
thought he was deaf, at least that was what I was told about from his wife,
before she passed.
"Um, yes. how are your gardens?" I asked, to not be rude.
be rude.
"They are getting there, sadly nothing I can do but help them live properly, everything dies after a while."
help them live properly, everything dies after a while."
"I'm sure they will last for a good amount of years" I commented, to be nice, but it seemed my neighbour hadn't heard me, for he walked back into the house.
years" I commented, to be nice, but it seemed my neighbour hadn't heard
me, for he walked back into the house.
Stuck on the thought of whether he was actually deaf or not, and also surprised he had actually talked, I heard someone running behind me, and as I turned around, I thought I saw my roommate run into the house in a fright, and in a confusion I ran in after him.
and also surprised he had actually talked, I heard someone running behind me,
and as I turned around, I thought I saw my roommate run into the house in a
fright, and in a confusion I ran in after him.
I ran into the house, through the hallway, and stopped at the kitchen door, seeing my friend in the middle of the room, looking down.
"Are you ok mate?" I asked as I walked up to him slowly, but as I came close to him, I heard the normal creaking noise, but more powerful than ever, and before I had time to step back into the hall, the floor shattered, and I was falling down, into an abyss; an endless hole that should've been ground below the house.
I ran into the house, through the hallway, and stopped at
the kitchen door, seeing my friend in the middle of the room, looking down.
"W-what is this!" I tried screaming, but my voice wouldn't work, but my eyes did, and I saw my friend falling with me, but he was acting like he was just standing normally, he wasn't flailing like I was.
"Are you ok mate?" I asked as I walked up to him
slowly, but as I came close to him, I heard the normal creaking noise, but more
powerful than ever, and before I had time to step back into the hall, the floor
shattered, and I was falling down, into an abyss; an endless hole that
should've been ground below the house.
"WH-whathey! isWhat happened! this hole shouldn't be here!" I tried screamingto cry out, but myonce again unable to voicespeak.
wouldn't work, but my eyes did, and I saw my friend falling with me, but he was
acting like he was just standing normally, he wasn't flailing like I was.
"Did you really ignore everything that happened?" my roommate asked, only making me lift my eyebrow in confusion.
"H-hey! What happened! this hole shouldn't be
here!" I tried to cry out, but once again unable to speak
"This world isn't real, today has been your dream, your nightmare, your afterlife."
"Did you really ignore everything that happened?"
my roommate asked, only making me lift my eyebrow in confusion.
"A-afterlife...?" I asked, unable to let out even that 1 word.
"This world isn't real, today has been your dream, your
nightmare, your afterlife."
"Think back to last night, think of what happened" my roommate explained.
"A-afterlife...?" I asked, unable to let out even
that 1 word.
The world around them, the endless hole, flashed into an image of the pub I was at last night, I still felt like I was falling, but the image of my memories was staying still around me. I saw myself going back and forth for drinks, and even when I was falling over, I stood up and pretended I was ok, and just got more. No one was stopping me, I don't think anyone was even there with me, I couldn't remember, but the end of it was me so clumsily, that the waiter cancelled my 10th beer, and called me a taxi, as the bouncer helped me into the car.
"Think back to last night, think of what happened"
my roommate explained.
"You didn't go that well, didn't you?" my roommate asked again, as the image of the pub vanished.
The world around them, the endless hole, flashed into an
image of the pub I was at last night, I still felt like I was falling, but the
image of my memories was staying still around me. I saw myself going back and
forth for drinks, and even when I was falling over, I stood up and
pretended I was ok, and just got more.
No one was stopping me, I don't think anyone was even there with me, I couldn't
remember, but the end of it was me so clumsily, that the waiter cancelled my
10th beer, and called me a taxi, as the bouncer helped me into the car.
"You didn't go that well, didn't you?" my roommate
asked again, as the image of the pub vanished.
I looked back at him in shock, what was going on....
"Still not getting it?" he asked again, "then let me explain this much, before we hit bottom."
let me explain this much, before we hit bottom."
Those last words hit me hard as I looked down, but my roommates face shot out of nowhere below me, and was stuck in my gaze, my head unable to move.
roommates face shot out of nowhere below me, and was stuck in my gaze, my head
unable to move.
"You're dead. You died in your sleep from consuming too much alcohol for the past week, you drank and drank continuously, and last night, was your night. But like everyone, you were unable to accept that; this nightmare, is your acceptance."
much alcohol for the past week, you drank and drank continuously, and last
night, was your night. But like everyone, you were unable to accept that; this
nightmare, is your acceptance."
I stood into my roommates eyes for a few good seconds, unable to look anywhere else, then suddenly, his face disappeared and before I could tell what I saw, I made contact with solid earth.
unable to look anywhere else, then suddenly, his face disappeared and before I
could tell what I saw, I made contact with solid earth.
"W-what happened to him!? I cried from the window, where the doctors were telling me to stay while my roommate was carried out of the room, his intoxicated dead body giving my breathing trouble.
A doctor came up to me and sighed, "He died in his sleep kid, I'm sorry for your loss."
"W-what happened to him!? I cried from the window,
where the doctors were telling me to stay while my roommate was carried out of
the room, his intoxicated dead body giving my breathing trouble.
A doctor came up to me and sighed, "He died in his
sleep kid, I'm sorry for your loss."
[[Category:Deletion Log Refugees]]
[[Category:Shok ending]]
[[Category:Bad Creepypasta]]
[[Category:WHAT A TWIST!]]
[[Category:Pages with grammar that doesn't suck]]

Latest revision as of 13:44, 31 May 2023

The floor was creaking with every step I took, my instincts told me to go slow, to walk gently to the other side, but I couldn't help but think that it would break the longer I stood on it.

It was so fragile, and old too, why had no one replaced it?

As I made it to the other side of the house, finally leaning against the wall, I wiped my head, which then bent downwards in dizziness, my hangover taking over my head.

I made my way through the kitchen, finally, and thankfully, off the stupid creaking floorboards, and after a bit more walking, my dizziness worsening, I fell onto my bed.

"You sure slept well."

The light hit my eyes immediately as I opened my eyes, the world seeming like all kinds of lights and colours, but as it all returned properly, it was just my roommate opening my darn blinds, and literally trying to blind me, so I simply rolled over.

"Fucking jerk" I coughed, slightly yelling in pain as my head hurt, my friend letting out a soft laugh.

"You went out to a pub again didn't you? Didn't end well, hm?" he asked

I stood up slowly and pouted, "It's my life, my wants."

"Is one of your wants dying?"

I turned to my friend slightly confused, then turned back to my closet pulling out my school uniform.

"It's just drinking, don't be ridiculous."

I quickly got dressed as my roommate left for school, myself though, ignoring the kitchen, and heading out the back door this time.

The area of my city was pretty country like, there were plenty of houses, and shops, but not as much as the big cities, and not as well built.

The best things the shops sold, were usually big bag of simple chips, big bottles of coke, or 2nd hand clothes honestly. To get better clothes it was a 1 hour drive to the next city.

I didn't mind, my life wasn't perfect, so I stood with what I could get, even if they did rip easily and within a week.

School... do I really need to talk through that boring lecture, as I said, I'm not perfect.

Why the hell would I succeed at that, like seriously.

All it is, are people who think they can do anything, be it get the girls, and when they get the girl, try to get more, and end up in a hole.

The other groups are just the geeks.

I'm not suited for that kind of business.

As I reached my home, I realized my neighbour was working on his garden, watering his gardens as he usually did, but as I entered my front yard, he actually looked up instantly.

"Ah, welcome home" he greeted.

I found this odd to be honest, he was usually quiet, I thought he was deaf, at least that was what I was told about from his wife, before she passed.

"Um, yes. how are your gardens?" I asked, to not be rude.

"They are getting there, sadly nothing I can do but help them live properly, everything dies after a while."

"I'm sure they will last for a good amount of years" I commented, to be nice, but it seemed my neighbour hadn't heard me, for he walked back into the house.

Stuck on the thought of whether he was actually deaf or not, and also surprised he had actually talked, I heard someone running behind me, and as I turned around, I thought I saw my roommate run into the house in a fright, and in a confusion I ran in after him.

I ran into the house, through the hallway, and stopped at the kitchen door, seeing my friend in the middle of the room, looking down.

"Are you ok mate?" I asked as I walked up to him slowly, but as I came close to him, I heard the normal creaking noise, but more powerful than ever, and before I had time to step back into the hall, the floor shattered, and I was falling down, into an abyss; an endless hole that should've been ground below the house.

"W-what is this!" I tried screaming, but my voice wouldn't work, but my eyes did, and I saw my friend falling with me, but he was acting like he was just standing normally, he wasn't flailing like I was.

"H-hey! What happened! this hole shouldn't be here!" I tried to cry out, but once again unable to speak.

"Did you really ignore everything that happened?" my roommate asked, only making me lift my eyebrow in confusion.

"This world isn't real, today has been your dream, your nightmare, your afterlife."

"A-afterlife...?" I asked, unable to let out even that 1 word.

"Think back to last night, think of what happened" my roommate explained.

The world around them, the endless hole, flashed into an image of the pub I was at last night, I still felt like I was falling, but the image of my memories was staying still around me. I saw myself going back and forth for drinks, and even when I was falling over, I stood up and pretended I was ok, and just got more. No one was stopping me, I don't think anyone was even there with me, I couldn't remember, but the end of it was me so clumsily, that the waiter cancelled my 10th beer, and called me a taxi, as the bouncer helped me into the car.

"You didn't go that well, didn't you?" my roommate asked again, as the image of the pub vanished.

I looked back at him in shock, what was going on....

"Still not getting it?" he asked again, "then let me explain this much, before we hit bottom."

Those last words hit me hard as I looked down, but my roommates face shot out of nowhere below me, and was stuck in my gaze, my head unable to move.

"You're dead. You died in your sleep from consuming too much alcohol for the past week, you drank and drank continuously, and last night, was your night. But like everyone, you were unable to accept that; this nightmare, is your acceptance."

I stood into my roommates eyes for a few good seconds, unable to look anywhere else, then suddenly, his face disappeared and before I could tell what I saw, I made contact with solid earth.

"W-what happened to him!? I cried from the window, where the doctors were telling me to stay while my roommate was carried out of the room, his intoxicated dead body giving my breathing trouble.

A doctor came up to me and sighed, "He died in his sleep kid, I'm sorry for your loss."

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