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==The Eighth Scene==
The next scene appeared in the fourteenth episode, “The Witch’s Garden”. It began with Jake limping out of the treehouse. His leg was now also mangled, and I guess he did that as well. The scene goes on for quite a[[File:Shado21.png|thumb|246px|shadow figure]] while, showing every agonizing step that Jake took. The program cut back again. But this one is unusual. I call it one scene as it happens in the same episode, but there is normal program thrown into the middle, from a seperate episode. I [[File:Shado21.png|thumb|nice mspaint]]recongnized it as scenes from the episode “The Jiggler”, but something is wrong, as there are black figures in the background of every shot. I managed to find screenshots online and saved them before they were deleted. The program switches back, and it appears that Jake has also gone to the beach. He stands, staring out into [[File:Shado22.png|thumb|another shadow figure]]the ocean, but the ocean this time is peaceful. The blood seeping from his wounds is drifting out to sea. He is holding something in his good hand, it seems to be a a blue, soggy piece of clothing. It was probably Finn’s shirt, perhaps it had drifted back to shore, only for Jake to find it. [[File:Shado22.png|thumb|so realistic!!]]Jake slowly starts limping out into the water. The video cuts and goes back to the normal program.  
==The Ninth Scene==
The ninth scene turned up about twenty minutes into the sixteenth episode “Ocean of Fear”. It shows an underwater scene. It looked as if someone had drawn a picture and sunk it into a rockpool, and then filming it. The art was badly damaged and it was difficult to make out what was[[File:Scary_face_by_3pi0-d38cjm9.jpg|thumb|The face. How spooky]] being shown through the water. But as it showed[[File:Scary_face_by_3pi0-d38cjm9.jpg|thumb|The Face]] a still, orange shape lying down on the floor, I guess it was Jake, drowned. The sounds of someone drowings and screaming although its filling their lungs with water. The scene only lasts about 10 seconds, before cutting to black for about 15 seconds. Suddenly a face pops up on screen for a milisecond. It made me jump. Luckily I was able to download the episode onto my computer and find said face, so I’ll show it to you now.
==The Tenth Scene==