Alvin And The Chipmunks 1983 Lost Pilot: Difference between revisions

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(There was a pitched pilot of the 1983 series: Alvin And The Chipmunks to ABC 8 years before. The worse comes from it.)
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Have youYou ever heard to the Series titled: "Alvin And The Chipmunks" from 1983? If you haven't, allow me to give you the rundown. Alvin And The Chipmunks was an animated family comedy series that ran on NBC from 1983 to 1990. It aired on Saturday mornings. It was renamed: "The Chipmunks" in 1988 due to the addition of new female counterparts of the original cast of rodents. It was LATER renamed to "The Chipmunks Go To The Movies" for the final season, that parodied popular movies at the time for a family friendly audience and pop record sales.
What many people DON'T know is that the series had an original pilot pitched to ABC, and it was COMPLETELY different to what the 1980s show was when it aired.
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The Chipmunks then went inside the house. The camera then panned in the living room. As usual, we wanted to depict The Chipmunks living the life when it came to superstars. The room was large in size with a giant projector and multiple TVs surrounding it. Big speakers were on the sides, with a nice studio being seen on the left side. On the right side there was the Kitchen, with multiple empty pizza boxes and soda bottles on the table. It then switched to the room. There were 3 beds, 2 king sized to accompany Alvin and Simon's lovers and one medium sized bed for theodore alone. Then the bathroom, which was just about what tou would expected. Then it cut to the living room again. "Man, it's certainly weird around with Dave being gone." Simon said. As he said that, something that can only be described as weird happened. When the camera switched to Alvin as he was about to give his dialogue, he sounded extremely faint. The background music was still playing at normal volume, it was just Alvin that sounded like he was almost whispering. It was barely audible, even with the speakers at full volume. I had quadruple checked this pilot and wrote extensive notes for each scene, no such error existed in my mixing and mastering in the studio and triple checks after I did that. The executives looked confused. "Must be some sort of unforseen error." I said. Then after Alvin's nonexistent dialogue, the camera switched to Theodore for his dialogue, and now the background music was completely gone. Once again, this was no such error i've seen in my testing. It created a slightly eerie vibe to the scene. "Yeah. But he'll be in our hearts forever." Theodore said. As he said this, the camera froze. It was just stuck on Theodore's face... Theodore then started making micro movements, shaking and twitching.. At this point I wondered if the film itself was just defective. Maybe I dropped it or scratched it?
As I was about to get up and collect the film to check for damage, Theodore suddenly burst into tears VERY loudly. And this wasn't the average cartoon sort of crying, it sounded like Janice in the sound booth doing the voice was legitimately heartbroken. Theo sounded like he seen someone close to him get slaughtered. Then again this sounded completely out of character for Janice to even be crying this loudly in the rare times he did. "What's going on with this show, guys?" Janice said very confused. "I don't kno-" I was cut short by the pilot again. It suddenly cut to static and then showed The Chipmunks standing completely still at night. The environment was hardly visible with bright stars in the background. Grass was slightly moving and loud crickets could be heard. The Chipmunks then out of nowhere started to chant something, but in reverse. It sounded almost hebrew. After 15 seconds of this, black holes replaced their faces... Their faces were now jet black. This lasted for the next 15 seconds before it cut to an intermission... There was no intermissions inside of our pilot. It showed Alvin in what appeared to be Soviet Russia. I knew this because I could hardly make out a hammer and sickle in the background - Keep in mind this is the 70s. He then started talking in reverse again just like the chant earlier, but this time in Russian. I could only make out a couple words he said. "I know what sacrifices has to be made so our great country can survive through-" The rest I couldn't understand. The next scene showed Simon and Theodore burning in HELL. There was fire everywhere and smoke covering most of the screen. 8 demons grabbed then and proceeded to tare them apart like nothing. They were feasting on the Chipmunk flesh as Simon and Theodore were screaming in an extremely loud high pitch, i'm surprised I could even hear it.
It then cut back to the episode. The pilot then COMPLETELY skipped the plot to the very end. Here's what the original pilot was: *Dave would greet The Chipmunks for the last time - The camera would showcase their house - The Chipmunks would then have a minute dialogue discussing Dave and what he's done for them and the misfortunes they went through - it would then cut to 1974 when Simon and Alvin meet their first lovers and would give a run down of their personas - and to finally end off the episode it would cut to the present date; 1975, having the lovers convince The Chipmunks to start performing again on stages with them this time, and a nice song to end the episode with the new cast being backup singers.* The episode faded into a big stage with The Chipmunks performing a song. I believe it was legacy to the brand... Witch Doctor I think. It was actually normal to the original pilot we've made, the entire scene. Welp... Until the end. Once the performance ended, it was supposed to pan out and fade to black into the outro with sounds of the audience cheering and clapping. Here the audience still cheered and clapped but cut to The Chipmunks on the stage. They had extra dialogue. "Now audience, wasn't that a impressive performance!" Alvin yelled to the crowd. "I surely thought it was, don't you guys think that as well?" Theodore yelled. The audience then started to cheer louder and louder each time The Chipmunks edged them on. They even passed out Vinyls of a sneak peek of their new album to select audience members. The cover art was just burning fire with the words: "Alvin, Simon, Theodore's Retribution" in black font with a barely visible U.S flag. It showed the back which was completely black revealing the tracklist in white font: #1. Turn Back Now #2. God Is Dead #3. We're Dead, But You Are Too #4. Hell Is Bound #5. The End Of Civilization #6. Armed And Dangerous #666. (yes, the next track listing was written like that) I'm Born Again. The scene was honestly dragged out to the point where I though it would end the episode off like that abruptly. "Well, we have one more surprise performance planned for you loving fans!" Simon yelled. They then went behind the curtain for a couple seconds. "Oh, god..." I thought. What was going to happen now? Were they going to spew some sort of communist propaganda? Faces turn jet black again? Cut back to the beginning? Some random crazy shit that pertains to nothijgnothing? But what happened next is something my mind couldn't have ever imagined in 1,000 years. They came out the curtains with firearms, looking ready for war. The crowd then from the cartoonish style of applause and sound effects, cut to real audio from an actual crowd. "We've been suffering for the longest of times without mercy. God has given us hell on earth for no other reason than this. Now we know what our greater purpose is." The Chipmunks all said in unison. After their edgy little speech, Alvin then loaded a magazine inside his Assault Rifle and in his pistol, it revealed Simon to have a surplus of lethals around his waist and were setting them up to be thrown, and Theodore having a big Light Machine Gun strapped over his soldier with a 500 round mag. They then... Let loose without mercy... The cries... The blood... The screams... Everytime I close my eyes I still remember the scene... And sleep I remember the audio... It still haunts me to this day. Some of the crew and one of the executives then starting crying uncontrollably, Ross. Jr and Janice just looked in horror to what someone has done to their own brand. After the deed was done, they started running like professionals inside a marathon. The camera then panned down to the dead bodies.. At least 3000 died to the rampage they let loose.
It then cut to black. The Chipmunks appeared to be laying down now, maybe sleeping, and looked incredibly disheveled. It looked like they were mauled to death by a tiger. Their clothes were torn and they had numerous scars with dried up blood covering some parts of their clothes. It looked oddly realistic, too realistic for a cartoon... The camera zoomed in on their face, and what i've seen next shook me beyond belief... They looked HORRIFIC. It looked like an actual crime scene but anthropomorphic. Their tongues were hanging out of their mouths and jaws torn out with some loose skin hanging out from the original place, with blood dripping out. Their eyes were completely out of their sockets and their skulls could be seen and even broken in some places, with brain matter in its spots. Simon's arms were cut vertically in half, TheodoresTheodore's legs were completely torn off, Alvin had little to no hair on his entire body... The executives went to grab a trash can to vomit but the rest of the team looked in horror. I started to feel a little nauseous myself... And I realized they weren't laying down, they were on the floor dead inside of a FBI basement. Plain white text scrolled down the screen, most of it being gibberish... The only names that could be made out in them were high ranking politicians inside the United States, primarily in California. The only audio that could be heard were flies surrounding their flesh. One of the executives had enough of this and ejected the tape, stomping it on the ground completely destroying the last proof of the tape. He sent us out of ABC and we were completely blacklisted from the company. Once we were sent out, I TRIED my best to convince Ross. Jr and Janice that I DIDN'T approve of that. They didn't buy a second of it unfortunately. They said to get the hell out and I were to be completely blacklisted from the industry. I met up with the rest of the team later. NONE of them said they worked on any of that fucked up episode. I noted however someone was gone when we met up. David... I tried calling his phone but it led to this haunting voice message. "If you're calling me about the episode or my disappearance, just know it was too late. I have little to nothing to live for, I thought I might as well go out with a bang. Nobody, not even my parents loved me growing up. Everyone though I was a creep and with my ideas that went outside the box. This is the only place I was accepted and I soon figured out the animation business is shitty as well. This is the last straw. I don't want to work for the majority of my life in piss poor conditions just to have the basic necessities to live. Goodbye." We all knew since that chilling voicemail it had to be him that did it. A week later after fully absorbing the situation, I cut to the local news and breaking news appeared. "A man named David Thraw walked inside of a Federal Building with a gun, shooting and killing 13, injuring 17. The FBI has yet to catch him, so if you have seen him, please dial this number:" It cut off the TV at that point. Me continuously thinking of the fact that one man single handedly ruined my animation career kept making me rationally upset, but I accepted it at the end. Now at this point, you're wondering: "How 8 years later did Bagdasarian Productions get a television show, and 5 years later make a popular album?" Simple. They went tooth and nail against ABC for the existence of that tape privately, and hired the best lawyers in the world and corrupt defendants that would take any bit of extra money for a case. Somehow in a blue moon, they won the case in 1979... They went on to make Chipmunk Punk a year later to revive the brand and have it sell BIG. Then every other network I mentioned earlier that originally turned down the idea, would take an Alvin And The Chipmunks cartoon on a dime. They settled for NBC and ever since then the series has been relatively in safe waters, having 3 shows in total and 5 movies in total. Well, until recently. See, the reason Bagdasarian is currently trying to sell the Alvin And The Chipmunks brand is because of that pilot surfacing again after ABC being able to repair the tape that was smashed, at least in their best ability. Why they were stuck on that one pilot over 46 years later is beyond me. It has gone to bite themBagdasarian Productions in the ass, and the only way to solve itthe problem legally is to sell the brand entirely. TheyBagdasarian will likely deny the pilotspilot's existence, but I know what i've seen on that tape, and the damage it has caused...
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