Hello, I am writing this as a retelling of the horrific experience I had around the time the hit game "Among Us" was in its prime. It has since died down but for me, this game will forever be stuck in my brain until I die and NOT for the right reasons. That being said, here we go. I was in a discord call with friends from school, it was the weekend and they wanted to play this game called Among Us. I had never heard of it so I asked "What's that?", one of my friends told me "One of the best games we have ever played, it's about solving a mystery about who a killer is". In return I said "So like the board game Clue?", "Yeah it's sorta like Clue, but in space!" he said. I was already hitched, I loved playing Clue when I was younger and find I space really cool. I said "Alright! How can I play?", My friends told me it was on steam so I went to the page for Among Us on steam and little did I know... I was in for a surprise.

When I got to the page, something was off. The title of the game was "Among Us.EXE" and the picture that I later learned should normally be the crewmates standing around in space with the name above them saying "Among Us" was instead a bunch of dead crewmates with blood oozing out of their cracked faces, I thought "This is weird" but didn't think to much of it, I was always tough. I tried to find where to buy the game but there was just a download link for the game, the file as expected stated "Among Us.EXE" and when it was done loading, I booted up the game.

I was still in the call with my friends and they told me we could all meet up in a lobby, they gave me a code and told me to give my character a name and customize the outfit. They told me how it works, about tasks, how to play when you are an imposter, and basically everything you need to know about the game. Everything was acting normal until I tried to change my name, I was going to set it to what I normally have as my gamertag in games. But the name was locked into "Su gnoma", I didn't understand and when I told my friends they didn't either, but in the end we just went with it. I changed my avatar and put the code in, the game had began.

I was a crewmate, I didn't expect to get lucky and be imposter on my first game so I was fine with being a crewmate. I was walking around trying to do tasks when a body was reported, it was one of my friends and in the meeting chat we discussed who we thought the killer was. I told them "I was doing tasks in electrical", since I was such a big noob my friends believed me. We eventually decided to skip and get back to our tasks, although strangely. The friend who died was gone from the call, we just thought he was a sore loser and kept playing. That's when things started to get really weird.

I was in medbay and I heard a gunshot. This was weird because in the game, the only noise for hearing someone other than yourself get killed is a knife stab. I asked my friends "Hey, did anyone else here a gunshot?", they all replied with "Yes" but they all said they didn't hear it from the game. I checked the call, and it turned out another one of our friend group had left. And if you couldn't guess, he was the one who was killed. There were now only 4 of us (myself included) left, so we figured had to vote someone out. After about a minute of arguing we decided on the only girl in our friend group, for no reason other than she was exceptionally quiet throughout the meeting. She was the imposter, we only had 1 so we thought we had one but when we checked, the number of players in the game were the same except that our friend was gone and she was replaced with "You're next".

We called a meeting in hopes we could try to talk with this, mysterious person-thing I don't know what it was but it just kept saying over and over "You're next". We all decided to vote it off but that wasn't working, after the animation of the character being thrown into space was shown. "You're next was still there", what happened next will haunt me forever. It pulled out a gun and shot one of my friends in the game, I checked the call because we all had facecam on and not only was the girl I mentioned gone from the meeting. But my other friend had a giant bullet hole in his head, brains and blood were everywhere and I almost threw up. His account left the call and a new discord member we didn't invite into our chatroom joined the call, my last remaining friend said "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?". I felt the exact way but before I could even thing to say anything the strange being said "You're next" and my friends screen went blurry. When it got back to normal all Is aw was my friend laying on the ground with a knife in his chest, I was in tears.

As you might expect, he left the call and all that was left was the strange creatures profile picture. I looked closely and noticed the image was a crewmate with hyper-realistic blood and guts coming out of his lower midriff. Before I had the chance to fully register what might happen to me, "You're next" turned on facecam and all I saw was a black screen with two bloodshot eyes looking directly at me. It didn't even blink, I tried to leave call but it wouldn't let me. Finally, a red mouth emerged from the darkness and said 1 sentence. With a mystical dark warped voice it said "My true name is Su gnoma, and YOU'RE NEXT", it left the call and left the chatroom. I went to a therapist next day and he said I must have a had a horrible nightmare, I know it wasn't that, I know this thing will one day find me, I don't know when, but I know it will happen. Oh, and to anyone reading this... you're next.

Credited to MagneJ15 

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