So I'm going to start off by saying that I'm not going to mention any names to protect the identities of the deceased and of certain people in general.

I live in a somewhat small town where not much happens and the crime rate is very low. Of course, there's typical wiggers and dumbasses that most places have, but that isn't the point of the story. I'm just going to get to the point to avoid a large introduction.

Now obviously we all hear about car accidents, suicides, and other terrible things on the news and such. Usually, people don't really care since its about people they don't even know and in places far away. But the reason this particular incident has more of an effect on me is because it happened in my town and was someone that lived close by. She was a high school student, who I guess, really wanted to die, since she stood in front of a train and waited for it to hit her.

I didn't know her at all besides her face and name, and as I'm re-reading my story, I just want it to be clear that her suicide didn't really make me sad or anything, and I basically stopped thinking about it after a week or so. But to get to the creepy part is what happened several months after all of this. I went on a walk at around 2 AM to meet up with a couple of my friends to talk for a bit, and I just happened to have to crossed the bridge above the train tracks where the girl killed herself to get there.

I wasn't scared or anything, but of course it's hard not to think about her when I walk on the bridge that stands over the very train tracks that she died at. And with her memorial there and everything, it's close to impossible not to think about it. Anyways, I met up with my friends and we hung around and just talked for a bit. Eventually a cop stops by us, but luckily he wasn't a dipshit and understood we were just chilling out. After they had to go, I went on the 15 minute walk back to my house. Now it was around 3:30 to 4 AM at this point. I wasn't scared to be walking alone so late. As I said before, the crime rate is almost non-existent.

After about 3 or 4 minutes of walking, I got to the bridge above the train tracks. I noticed the biggest candle at her memorial was lit. I thought it was pretty weird that it wasn't lit when I walked by the first time at around 2.30 AM, and was now when it was like almost 4:00. I stared at it while walking by and giving it a weird look, while in my head I thought of how strange it was. I wasn't scared and knew it was very possible someone came by and lit it regardless of the late timing. The rest of my short walk home was spent thinking about that candle being lit.

At this point of the story, I was about to start making things up and trying to make this story creepier for people, but the strange feeling of respect I gained for this girl I hardly knew at that moment I walked by the lit candle is stopping me from doing something like that. When I stared at that lit candle that night, I knew that it wasn't a person that lit it. When I walked by, I could feel that girl's spirit standing right by that candle, and I guess my natural instinct there was to pretend I had no idea and just walk by. Just a little 5 minute walk from my house down my street roams the saddened spirit of a miserable young girl who hated her life enough to end it by getting pressed and smeared in-between a train and a track.

Credited to Jessop777
Originally uploaded on October 21, 2011

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