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FOR Those of you who have given in and seen what the Brony phenomenon was all about will know what I’m talking about, but for those who haven’t, allow me to explain why I’m proclaiming love to such an abstract, and rather negative, concept. Discord was an antagonist in the critically acclaimed children’s television show, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. While it sounds like it would be the last show you would find an interesting villain in, it’s tended to defy everyone’s expectations throughout its 3-year run.
Discord is the spirit of chaos and disharmony, similar in terms of character to the archetypical “Trickster God” often found in many cultures’ mythologies, although is more direct inspiration came from the character of Q, from Star Trek: The Next Generation, with whom he shares a love for cruel, twisted games, similar powers, and an identical method of using said powers: snapping his fingers. Oh, and of course, the biggest thing they share: both are played by the same actor: John De Lancie.