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[[File:Chompers.jpg|thumb|Chompers]]I'd never been too fond of anyone at my local furry brothel. They were all a little too flaccid and small for me. You see, I grew up in a small area with not many people interested in hardcore furry sex like I am, so I had to venture off from home and found myself attending a pretty seductive Furry Brothel. It's sorta like a normal brothel except it's full of "big-headed" furries, if you know what I mean. Now the only reason why I'm here is because I've always wanted to be a master of yiffing. A flaming sex raccoon of sorts. I'd always taken keen interest in the furry culture and classic Wattpad stories such as the "Snowtail: Arctic Fox Wolf" series. So when I was sent to live at this brothel, I was taken back when I realized a lot of the other furries here were all "Spongies," you know the kind. The ones who like to dress up as cleaning utensils and claim they're furries. I'm not really big on that sorta shit, but I didn't question it.
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We both looked at each other with aroused gazes. That was just yesterday evening. We knew exactly what we had to do now. We had to find where Patty was. We never saw Shrigis for the rest of the evening, and Jamal had become incredibly turned off. He asked if he could sleep in my room tonight. I said "Bro, you don't need to ask! Hop in!" While Jamal was sleeping, I groped him. After that, I printed off the turn off image for referencing then I had spent most of the night yanking my crank. I had already emailed our furry friends letting them know we weren't going to show up at our massive sex orgies because we "felt sick" and I checked how far away Drury Lane was. To my surprise it was only 3 blocks away! So I figured we could take Jamal's motorized shopping cart up to Drury Lane and figure out the location where Shrigis and Patty have been from there.
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I silently and numbly pulled out the picture of "chompers.jpg" and stared at it, then back to the real thing. I threw up violently and vigorously again. They were fucking identical. My shlong was so deflated and flaccid. Jamal brought a shaky and turned off hand over Patty's cheek; before he collapsed by the side of the table due to all of the unarousalness and HYPER REALISM. I could hear him ejaculating horrendously by her side, before he passed out beside me. I started to grope Jamal just for shits and giggles. After about 47 minutes and 17.28472928 seconds of vigorous and furious groping, something caught my attention.
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