Civilisation 666: Difference between revisions

(Ported over from the Creepypasta Wiki, as I know its days over there is numbered.)
(10 intermediate revisions by 7 users not shown)
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I recently went to the local Gamestop shop in my town in England where I am. I went to the Gamestop and was looking through the nice games. I looked at alien isolation but I did not get it because I do not like horror one little bit. I was looking at the bargain bin with second hand games and I saw civilization 5! although the cover was damaged and someone has put a post it note on it saying 'Civilization 666'
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That night I had a dream, in my dream I was in a field of snow and tripped on a log. I looked down and realised it wasn't a log! it was a skeletons arm! I uncovered the skeleton and realised it was the skeleton of Bismark of Germany! I recognised his moustache and tattered uniform. I realised I was stood in a field of bones. I could see Montezumas head dress poking out of the earth , Pacals helmet, Gustavs cane. I was in a graveyard of civ leaders! Suddenly a I heard a voice behind me "god is dead" it said I turned around and behind me was Gandhi, his skin pale and eyes black "and I am the devil" he finished He lept forward and ripped my throat out! I woke up though and that's why I am here writing this now. No one else is in my house or my street they are all gone, its just me. Its snowing outside heavily and I can hear someone, or something in my house scuttling about. I know its him. I know its ghandi. He is at my door now. Scratching it with his clawed hands. I must go now and face my fate.
[[Category:Pasta Trying To Be Good When It Sucks Enough To Be A Troll]]
[[Category:Deletion Log Refugees]]
[[Category:Bad Creepypasta]]
[[Category:Vidya games]]
[[Category:Well, that was anticlimactic.]]
[[Category:TOTALLYDemins NOTand UNFINISHED U GUIZEDebbils]]

Latest revision as of 13:19, 5 June 2024

I recently went to the local Gamestop shop in my town in England where I am. I went to the Gamestop and was looking through the nice games. I looked at alien isolation but I did not get it because I do not like horror one little bit. I was looking at the bargain bin with second hand games and I saw civilization 5! although the cover was damaged and someone has put a post it note on it saying 'Civilization 666'

"Huh" I thought to myself but it was £3 so I got it. I'm a civilisation game nut! I have posters of Attila the hun and Napoleon in my room, a civilization 3 mouse mat and I even drew a civilisation 4 OC on my deviant art! I put the disc into my computer and it booted up straight away! I was a civilisation nut! so this was really cool the game didn't even have to install! "good work firaxis!" I laughed to myself. The pre game credits came up: firaxis logo appeared, but it was inverted colour and played backwards. "ha ha well it is second hand!" I said to my dog ruby who was in the room with me. She didn't understand though! she is a dog! the into cinematic loaded up, but rather than a cgi video about great civilisations leading their people to victory in battle and culture it was a blurry staticy camcorder video of a basement! "have I got a virus!?" I wondered aloud. Ruby (my dog) whined and made scared noises so I put her in the garden. She liked it in the garden it was her number one favourite place to be. I got back to my game and saw the cinematic had continued, the camcorder had gone to a dark room and I could hear a crying lady somewhere in the room in the video. I skipped the cutscene! it was creeping me out!

I decided to start up a new game I chose a pangea plus map with standard size and 8 players. I set my player to random and turned policy saving on. I made sure all victories were possible and I set the difficulty to deity. I was a civilisation nut, so I could handle deity. Deity is the hardest difficulty. The game started loading and the loading screen told me my civilization leader was... me? there was a jpeg of me on the loading screen, could I have been hacked and had it stolen from my photos folder? the description of my civ just said ... my civs bonuses were +1 happiness per luxury resource and my unique unit was my dog ruby. ruby is a greyhound cross border collie. The game started up fully and my settler spawned in some tundra" drat!" I thought tundra is terrible for growth! I sent my scout to find some grass or plains to settle in, and didn't found a city. I explored for 4 turns but found no good land! I settled my city on the tundra, not hoping for much luck in this game! as I settled my settler the settler said "please don't" woah! I didn't know this game had voice acting for units? Firaxis really put effort into this!. As I continued to explore the big wasteland I found nothing but tundra and snow, no ruins or barbarians, not even other civs! I was seriously worried my game was corrupted, but kept playing. on my 30th turn I finished researching bronze working. just then a single unit came out of the fog of war. It was a x com unit from the last era of the game! huh!? the ais leader screen appeared to introduce me to the enemy ai and I found out it was none other than Gandhi! Gandhi has a reputation for being aggressive and nuke using in civ games so I was worried. his greeting was "god. is. dead." the diplomacy screen turned off and I was trying to talk to him again but it wouldn't let me!.

I built my unique unit ruby and sent her to explore to find ghandi. she found him several turns later and his capital city was just called 'Hell' it bombarded my unit and it died! Just then I heard a noise from the garden, it was ruby! I ran out and saw a brick had fallen on her from a big pile we have in the garden and she had to go to the vet. fortunately she survived but she had bad amnesia and couldn't smell certain things like jeans anymore. A few days later i decided to continue my civ game and loaded it up. only to find ghandis army by my city, they attacked it and when they damaged it for 20hp I felt a pain in my leg. "aaah!" I shouted and kicked my pc under my desk so hard in the off button it went off. I went to bed to rest after my scary experience.

That night I had a dream, in my dream I was in a field of snow and tripped on a log. I looked down and realised it wasn't a log! it was a skeletons arm! I uncovered the skeleton and realised it was the skeleton of Bismark of Germany! I recognised his moustache and tattered uniform. I realised I was stood in a field of bones. I could see Montezumas head dress poking out of the earth , Pacals helmet, Gustavs cane. I was in a graveyard of civ leaders! Suddenly a I heard a voice behind me "god is dead" it said I turned around and behind me was Gandhi, his skin pale and eyes black "and I am the devil" he finished He lept forward and ripped my throat out! I woke up though and that's why I am here writing this now. No one else is in my house or my street they are all gone, its just me. Its snowing outside heavily and I can hear someone, or something in my house scuttling about. I know its him. I know its ghandi. He is at my door now. Scratching it with his clawed hands. I must go now and face my fate.

Credited to Sonicfan666 

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