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[[File:I_fucking_hate_creepypasta.jpg|thumb|334px|Clockwork]]A little girl sat in her room. Her messy brown hair were put into little pigtails, as her hazel eyes stared at the door. She hugged her stuffed giraffe close to her little body, and listened closely to the loud yells of her father and mother.
"I never should have had any damned kids! " Screamed a loud, deep voice.
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"All they do is make messes, complain, draw on the walls-" He was cut off by the high, angered yell of the girls mother.
"Their CHILDREN, David! They don't know any better! "
"Oh fuck me Marybeth! I DON'T want to hear your bullshit excuses! I've had just about enough with them!"
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The door was violently opened, and in the doorway stood her large, angry, overweight father.In one of his meaty hands, he held a large textbook.
"David, stop it! " Screamed her mother.
But the father ignored his wife's pleading cries. He grabbed the little girl by the collar, and she screamed and kicked, trembling and shaking in fear. The girls father harshly held up the textbook.
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"This is for drawing on my fucking walls,you little bitch!"
Years later, the little girl, known as Natalie, was now 9 years old. Going through the stage of puberty, she was naturally a little chubby. Like the usual, she sat in her room, watching TV. Her dad was ranting on about some economic crap that she really could give less a shit about, as she munched on some popcorn.
She was also currently drawing a picture. There was a bit of gore in it, but strangely, she really liked drawing blood. It gave her some weird satisfaction. Other than that,multitasking was no problem for her. It became apparent to her at a young age, after having to do so much hard work and labor,that she was able to do so many things at once. Drawing ended up being her talent and passion. It was her way from escaping from reality, whenever something bad would rear it's ugly head and peer in, or when she was simply bored.
She suddenly heard the closing of her door, and looked to the left, pausing on munching on her popcorn. There stood her brother Lucas; who was 14 years old.
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"Just spit it out you dimwit!"
"....You know what...what guys and girls do together sometimes, right?.."
"....You know what...what guys and girls do together sometimes, right?.."
The next day at school, Natalie did not say a word. She did not speak for the whole day. she didn't have anyone to speak to anyways.Nobody could know. Nobody SHOULD know. And so, nobody would know. her teacher picked up on a few of her puzzled expressions, but she dismissed it as if she just did not understand the lesson. Natalie also felt as if she was in severe pain. She had no idea it could..hurt. Feeling scared, she walked home and silently went to her room. But later in the day, she was once again greeted by her brother.
Nobody, would know.
At school, she finally decided to tell someone. Even though they weren't her friends, she just felt she had to. She walked up to the group of girls she would occasionally see in the hallway. They looked like nice girls, and them and Natalie had occasionally talked before.
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However she did not cut, she did not peep, and she never said a word about it.As you may recall, so far in this journey, she had kept everything inside. she supposed it was better. she wouldn't let any pain get the best of her.
3AM. School night. Her mother was going to kill her. The girl known as Natalie, was now 16. She was productive in high school, close to the honor role. For once, she felt calm and happy.Though like the usual, she would occasionally become a 'hermit' in her room, hiding away from her dad who still liked to constantly yell and baby about economy, and money, and politics, and all of the bullshit that she was flat out tired of hearing.
Her eyes started to feel heavy. She had an assignment to work on- but that was no longer important to her. All that was on her mind, was sleep.She closed her laptop, and after her eyes adjusted to the darkness slightly, she saw her old, worn down stuffed giraffe in the corner. she stared at it, in complete and utter silence. memories passed through her mind, and she felt tears come to her eyes. But quickly, she blinked them back."No more breaking." she thought to herself. But she continued to stare at it. "What the fuck are you looking at." She said to the stuffed object.It simply stared back with soft, black beady eyes. she shook her head, and stood up. She looked down sadly at the little toy animal, and gently picked it up in her arms. She cradled it, and spoke softly to it.
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"I can't believe I forgot to take that laptop away! You were on it all night, weren't you!" Natalie sighed and pressed her face deeper into the pillow, hugging her giraffe closer. Her mother sighed, and walked out.She took a shower, brushed her teeth, ate some breakfast.She then got dressed. She put on a grey/blue hoody, with fur on the inside and the hood. it wasn't her favourite, but it was the only one she could wear to school, due to the others being in the wash. She also put on black jeans and some thin 'fashionable' boots.She then finally went down the stairs to get driven to school. She hopped in the car, and her mom sped off towards the school.
However on the way there, due to lack of sleep, she slowly put her head against the window of the car and started to drift off. her dreams; or nightmares I should say, consisted of her physical abuse as a child. secondly, the sexual abuse from her own brother, Lucas, that lasted for 4 years before she had the guts to turn him off. She started twitching and cringing in her sleep. But her mother took no notice. Her mother never took notice.
She was suddenly sharply awoken by the sound of her mother.
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"But-why?" He gave her a bit of a stern look.
"It's your mindset.Your drawings, they just...Creep me out. I think there's really something wrong with you. And the saddest part is, is why you haven't told me why you're acting like this.It makes me feel irresponsible.So, I just.....Can't do it anymore. I'm sorry." And with that, he began to walk away.
Natalie slammed her hands on the bathroom counter at home. she stared at herself in the mirror, her eye twitching. "I-I won't hurt myself like the others-I can stay strong-"
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"Everything. It makes you live through it, slowly progressing through life, being controlled by society, only to be tortured for seemingly to no end until you find you no longer have a purpose. It's a viscous circle. Time does not end, it does not slow down, it does not speed up. It is violent. It makes you live through the torture over, and over again, unable to fast forward away from it."
Natalie really had no idea what she had just said. She felt like she wasn't herself anymore. Could this be because of...All the things she had kept contained? No, it was impossible. But for some strange reason, she....Liked it.
The therapist leaned closer. "Sweetheart, I want you to tell me what's happened to you." Natalie still stared. There was a long pause. she smirked slightly, the pierces from her stitches slightly opening again. "Why don't you tell me blondie-Your the expert." Debera seemed to have a bit of an annoyed look." I can't help unless you tell me what's wrong, Natalie." Her fingers started to tear into the leather seating.
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She gave out a low chuckle.
The doctor looked in shock, seeing she was suddenly already standing over him.
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"Your time is up."
A loud scream was heard through the halls of the apparent 'hospital'. Two security guards rushed into the room, kicking open the door.
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"Your time is up." She slowly slid the knife down his chest, all the way to the end of his gut. His organs spilled out onto the floor as well, and collapsed, dead.
Natalies mother was silently sleeping in her room next to her husband. She awoke to the sound of knocking on her door. she groggily got up and walked out of the bedroom, to the front door. It was completely pouring outside, and thunder boomed in the distance. She walked up to the door, and paused when she was about to grab the knob.
There was...A faint sound of insane laughter. The rain and thunder seemed to become quiet suddenly. She pressed her ear against the door, and listened closely.
"Hello, mother."
Natalie burst through the door, wielding two knives in hand. Her mother stumbled back, hitting her head against the coat rack. one of the hooks broke into her skull,and she bled violently from the back of the head onto the floor. she fell to the ground paralyzed, but still conscious. Natalie towered over her, but slowly knelt down to meet the level of her eyes, and showed her two knives covered in a thick red blood.
"I was suffering, mother...." She ran the tip of the knife across her cheek, cutting it slightly. Natalie tilted her head.
"But you did nothing." All her mother could do was shake, and gasp constantly like a fish on land. Natalie grabbed her mother, and gently set her down so her back was laying flat on the ground. She proceeded to sit on top of her, and start to make a V-cut on her chest.Her mother only gasped and shook, but her breaths started to seem choked and gurgle. Natalie knew she didn't have much time left. She proceeded to forcibly open her chest cavity with a loud CRACK, and reached in and grabbed her mothers heart as it slowly beat in her hand. It's pulses were growing dimmer and dimmer.And suddenly, she ripped it out, blood spraying all over her face. She stared at her mother directly in the face as she slowly died.
"Sweet dreams" She said to her mothers corpse. "Your time was up." She put the heart into her mothers mouth, patting her cheek softly, and stood up. She wasn't done yet.
Natalie's father, David, had stirred awake and realized that his wife had not returned yet.
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his eyes started to adjust to the darkness, when he suddenly realized Natalie, standing on his bedside, smirking crazily with her green eyes glowing in the darkness. Blood was all over her, and the scent was unbearable. She put on a fake sad face.
"Oh dear....Mothers gone...I wonder who will get the money? HHahahaahahHA...." She suddenly grabbed her fathers forehead.
"That's all you ever cared about, anyway." Her father, however, was a fighter, and he sprung up and grabbed her by the neck, and threw her to the ground. He started to stomp on her chest until she coughed blood, and he stared down at her.
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"Gonna need these." she chuckled, and sat on the pole laid on his legs. Suddenly, she started to walk back while sitting down. the weight from her body on the pole slowly started to squeeze his innards up through his body. He started to gag, and blood poured from his mouth. His breath was silenced, and she hit a bit of a snag. "hhrm, come on!" She snarled as she forced herself to walk back with more weight. suddenly, his organs burst out of his mouth.The nasty gore piled onto the floor on the sides of his face. She nodded to his carcass, and started to walk out.
"Your time was up, daddy."
finally, this would be her favourite part. She quietly snuck down to her brothers room, silently opening the door. blood dripped from her knife, making a low tapping sound as the droplets hit the hard wood. her brother wasn't in bed. It was apparent that he must be hiding somewhere. She grinned.
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"Hmm..." She dug around for more items, and picked up a pair of scissors. She walked over to him, crawling over him."I think you need to cut loose brother~" She stabbed the scissors into his gut, and he cried out in a muffled scream of pain. She treated him like arts and crafts, cutting through his skin like paper. She lifted up his large intestine, and smirked wickedly.
"You know what I love? Macaroni art." She started to cut the intestine into sections. "These might be a little too big to put on a plate though."She could hear his brother foaming blood from the mouth. however, he had to swallow the blood back because of the cloth around his mouth. "Doesn't that taste good?~"She licked his blood off her fingers. "I sure know I like it." He let out another muffled scream. She went down to his toes and started cracking them and ripping them off. One by one. After a while, his screams grew futile. His throat was raw and bloody by now. Next, she worked on his fingers. snapping them and ripping them off slowly. The gurgling became louder, and he started to squirm. He was choking on his own blood. She pulled the cloth down, and blood poured from his mouth. and turned his head to the side and vomited violently. "There there brother." She said, patting his head. "Eat this and feel better." She stuffed one of his fingers in his mouth,making it jam into his throat. He choked, and slowly died.
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"Your time was up."
The girl, known as Natalie, walking into her room dripping blood. Off to the corner, she saw it. Her stuffed giraffe. She knelt down, and stared at it. then, without a word, she stood back up, and walked to the bathroom. Staring at herself, covered in blood, she heard a faint ticking noise. She looked down, and saw a pocket watch.
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"I am Clockwork."
The young 16 year old girl, used to be known as Natalie, walked away from her burning house. The flames engulfed everything.
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and inside, the giraffe slowly burned, along with the carcasses of her family.
Some say, she still lives on.
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you know, your time is up. 
[[File:BAD CREEPYPASTA - Clockwork Your Time is Up. (1 3)|thumb|right|335 px|Part 1]][[File:BAD CREEPYPASTA - Clockwork - Your Time Is Up (2 3)|thumb|right|335 px|Part 2]]
[[Category:Pasta Trying To Be Good When It Sucks Enough To Be A Troll]]
[[Category:Deletion Log Refugees]]
[[Category:Look ma, it's one of those creepypasta characters!]]
[[Category:Pointless Violence]]
[[Category:MARY SUE ALERT]]
[[Category:Look at me! I'm SO EDGY!]]
[[Category:English Class Failure]]
[[Category:Read by MichaelLeroi]]