Cookie Run Kingdom: The Mystery Of The Deleted Cookie

So, we all know that game Cookie Run Kingdom right? It's a little game where you can earn cookies and battle monsters. Overall, you can just have a fun time with the game. I discovered this game on tiktok and played it, i now have almost every cookie. But something haunts me when i play it. Here's my story.

It was an ordinary day, i was sick and was staying home from school. Despite me being sick, i hopped onto my laptop and loaded up Cookie Run Kingdom. I was making resources, checking all my daily rewards, and battling in the arena. I got pretty tired of battling and checked in the cookie menu to level up with the star jellies i had earned. I scrolled down to check how many cookies i had left to get and there was an extra cookie i hadn't remembered being added. I had already gotten the new epic for October and the other epic for October i hadn't got was normal. I was only missing 8 cookies yesterday. This new cookie had a fully black body and had no skill, the background for epics and other cookies were different. It was like the legendary backgrounds when you click on them, but this one had strawberry jam splattered everywhere and a tattered up room. Out of my curious mind, i clicked on the cookie. The cookie had the shape of one of the starter cookies and the background from the icon was there as well. The cookie had the shape of Gingerbrave, the starter cookie that you have when you start the game. The bar where it says the rarity was red, more red than the epic pink. The red bar had text saying "Special", but special cookies have a yellow bar saying special. I know this because we have sonic and tails cookies which are specials. I decided to click off and level up my team with the star jellies. My mom then called me for breakfast and i closed my laptop and went into the kitchen. I arrived back after breakfast and i opened my laptop. The screen was frozen on the mystery cookie and the tattered up room now had dead bodies of cookies and more strawberry jam. The cookie shadow looked normal but i got really scared and the level was high but it went past the max. The max was 60 and the level was now 666. I didnt have the cookie like i said, so how did it get levels? I got really scared and contacted devsisters. I waited a few minutes for them to respond and soon they did. They replied with: "Hello. We've reviewed the proof and had no idea how that cookie got there. We can send more info on the cookie but we are very busy at the moment. Thank you for contacting us and have a good day, we will fix the problem soon." I asked them for more info and they deivered. They replied with: "Hello there. You have requested for more info, so here you go. This cookie was a sketch for our Halloween update, the sketcher and drawer was very bad on health and was suicidal. We fired him for the gruesome background and other reasons. We did not want this cookie to be brought to the public. We are fixing your problem surely, but thank you again for contacting us." I was scared to hear that but thankfully, devsisters fixed it but i still see that cookie in my dreams.

Written by HavenTheClown
Content is available under CC BY-SA

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