Creepehpasta Wiki Members Pasta (Abridged)

Revision as of 13:07, 8 November 2012 by imported>Furbearingbrick

Monday: I farted.

Tuesday: Who cut the cheese?

Wednesday: This is pointless! The Rake is going to f_ck me! HELP!!!

Thursday: Stop picking my boogers, Phil!

Friday: Smokin smokin weed.

Saturday: I need new pants.


(Here's an idea, why don't we make an ongoing poop together, just add to it where the other person leaves off. See what direction it takes us )


I found the craziest thing last night, it was a huge shit about a foot in diameter, smooth to the touch. it was obviously liquid/solid, so I ate it.

Jack on and off at spastic rates. It was somewhat frightening, but it wasn't too big a deal, so I just left it in my backyard and went out and nabbed it this morning. Its got these weird glyphic symbols on the side, I wish I could read this poo.

I'm debating on whether or not to show anyone It, It's really odd, the way it doesn't just sit there on the ground, it looms. The poo spreads around, but it's so random and spontaneous I never can catch it and observe it. I feel like maybe I should try and get in contact with some museums or some sort of scientific groups, to get some professional opinions on it, but honestly, I wouldn't mind just keeping it to myself, so it's always mine, no one else deserves to see it except me anyway, I found it. Its mine... MINE! SMEAGHL!!!


I've been having diarrhea. Anyway, I killed my daughter because she talked to me. ur next, kiddie


I don't think I can take it much longer. The strength of the shit is getting much too strong for me. It's now too big to carry, even in a backpack. The electronics all around the neighborhood are going crazy because of the fecal matter. I really wish I had the guts to tell someone but, I have no guts, like a mad transvestite. I dont want to try any more. It's just too smelly. Maybe if I eat tomatoes a with my neck... yes... I think that will relieve my stress, and set me free from my cage at the petting zoo.


I don't know how long ago I lost consciousness. I just have the same two problems running through my head.

"Can I trust Scumbag Steve?" and, "Is this real life??"

The last thing I remember is feeding the tomatoes to the sphere and then lavendar towen theme started playing.

Maybe the shit is a gateway to some other world. I don't even know anymore...


I...I finally decited to eat the rest of this poo away. That thing is infecting me.

I GOT AIDS since I ate that god damn fecal matter



Am I retarded? How do I divide by zero? For now I can assume this shit is definitely not of this world.


I'm starting to die.

Yesterday, I contracted a disease called instantus's death.




A note has been found in a room.

"Sanic, Sonixxx, Kermixxx, Squidwarxxx, Patrixxx, and Spongeboxxx were here."


After reading the note, We found another note we think was mentioned in this log. As we put it in our car, to transport it to the station, our sirens started going off, and my partner keeps swearing he's seeing something. As we drive, I sit writing this, and In case I don't make it back, LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE... He's here... The T.V. Repair guy.

Police Report

Officer N. Gladidksi


Monday April 1st 7:15 AM

Police Recorder Monday April 1st 8:05 PM

Officer R. DirtyLimerick

"We came across the missing man who was alive, but then I got scared and hit him with a car and Jeffery exploded me so I got fired.

Officer K. Evans

"I pooted."

Police Report Tuesday April 2nd 12:34 PM



Police Report Wednesday April 3rd 8:54 AM

Officer R. Mayo

I got a tomatoe

Police Report Wednesday April 3rd 12:21 PM

Officer R. Mayo

-Officer Mayo

  • Cocking of an unknown weapon* HAHA COCKING LOLOLOL

Police Report Wednesday October 31st 6:54 PM

Officer R. Mayo

poo poo

Police Report Thursday November 1st 7:25 PM

Officer R. Mayo


Officer Sh. It

I died and so did Mr. Mayo so haha

Patrick Stewart appeared and brought me back to life! (He's a necromancer, didn't you get the memo?) But then Jeff The Killer popped out of mah toilet brandishing a zanpakutō and Evil Chelnoxxx was throwing fireballs at me! NOW WHAT DO I DO

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