Digimon Adventure Abridged.exe: Difference between revisions

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imported>Morgan Kingsley
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imported>Morgan Kingsley
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Chapter 1
Our stor started one day in the eighties I guess with our 17seventeen17 year old hero/villain Ken. He was playing hsi Zelda gae on his game boy when his older brother Sam got a strange message. “Meet me bithc” Was what the message said and Sam decided to be a idiot and go meet the person of the note. His name was Yukio Owikawa. Sam went to the coccer fidld and once there Owikawa shot Sam several times in the chest oh no. Then Ken later found out on the news and btched about it. Suddenly he found a computer that sucked him into it. Taking him into a strange digital orld. 113
Chapter 2
3Three3 digital wordl years later (which is about 18eighteen18 hours on eath), our true min charactr 18eighteen18 year old Joe was going on a date with a chick named Sarah. “Oh my goth don’t I look so good for the date?” Joe asked his older brother Jim who was looking at a picture.
“Sure thing mo fo.. Hey Joe... don’t get dirty. If you know what me men.” Jim said in response and Joe decided to listen to the waring. Then he left his house to dirve to the Srah house. Once there he got a boner over hot hot the Sear girl was.
“Oh my digshit you look sho hit Joe.” Sar said and the two went to tehir date One at their date Sra was all like “Hey Joe, why you like ?”
“Because ur hot I guessa.” Joe said and then they wet back to their car after the date and dinnner nd hate hot sex. After the hot sec Sa was all looking at Joe worried of reactin.
“Joe we not can’t go out.” Sr told Joe and that made him cry like a pussy ass bith.
“Fe you ass hole tnen I will bagn outh ggirls.” Joe said and then S lefy the car to were Joe wnet to home adn foing father trying to cut himself.
“Ht thf uf au io trying to giv nt the power strem.” Joe asked his fathe rna dhis father killped his off aof rbeven suggeted int.
“of yiu mother fucking I will ith lspa hyou becouse yo en suggest that.” Joe fathr siad athen then fither btuc slap Joe super hard what the fuck he think.
Suden Joe left because he was hurt and didn’t wnat futher deal with. He rech cam of summer sinc it iummer and the house guy was all like “Joe you sta here the night it okay.” Joe a cepted offer and got a file of six people.
“Matt , Tai, Sora ,a, Mimi, Izzy, and short ass motherfucking.:” Joe read the files and saw that they all age range from 13thirteen13 and 16sixteen16. Afterwards Joe left the house and wnet to the cam place whe the other six were waitng for him 1. 369
Chapter 3
A fw minte ater Joe had found the group in their hosue doing frugh shit. Such as Mtt with knife, Tai with hakcky sack, Ixzzy truyong to break into goverment, Sora looking at magazines were with all mane and porn, Mimi talking to her fbrienf abou buff 50 yr ol guys and short guy being te norma one. “Oh my fucing penis you need to hget your shot togetrhr 1” Joe had demanesad angirly ad the group all screamed. Not because of him beut because of the wave 1. There was wave. There was a wave flying towards the group and they where all suced in like Hjounny Tsunami get it cuss that my favoyrt movie of all tim.
Whe grou wae up they ntced that they all had thses wierd gothic things that wer monster like. Sudeenly one of them start startspeaking it was a ndiosaur. “My name is Agumon and I am hilatrious and you will quote everything I say1. Matt’s emo wl that likes to cut himself is named Gabumon. Sora’s lesbian bird that gets off to lesbian porn like Sora is named Biyomon get it cuss both Sora an Biyomon are esbans. Izzy’s relaly smart ass busg that graudtated from harvadrd is named Tentomon. Mimi’s floery goddness that is really my girlfriend is anem Palmon. Joe’s anjoying as doghsot fish like thing taht sounds liek Jar jaAr MOTHERFUCKINGBINKS is named Gomamon. Then that shrt guys digimon athtw illl die by the one fourth point of the styr is named patmaon don’y get too attcehed to the, Now woth that pit of the way let’s get started on our hoes journey.” Agumon did the intorycductions as Tai looked at them totz confused. He didn’t undertsnad a single word from that.
“No no mesa stay. Mesa ggalled Gomamon. Mesa your humble servant.” Gomamon said and thn a red bug that looks ed like Scoprion from Mortal Kombat 2two2 howed up and forced teh group to a cliff were they jumped off ad suicided. Or did thsye1? 338