Doki Doki Literature Club Lost Episode: Just Monika

Revision as of 01:48, 14 October 2023 by Fletcherswag (talk | contribs)

Author's note: Warning! Doki Doki Literature Club is a game that is not suitable for persons 13 years and under. This creepypasta is about DDLC's fake TV show and it's lost episode distributed by ABC. Actually it would be cool if DDLC ever had a show! If you want to read this on YouTube, please credit me with the link.

The jumpscare after the ABC DVD logo.

Doki Doki Literature Club is a pretty fun but creepy game created by Dan Salvato. It also had a TV Show although there were no violent scenes. However, a lost episode exists.

While I was at my friend's house, I was on eBay to find a DVD. And I found a rare DVD called Doki Doki Literature Club. Panic For Poems and other stories. The DVD Cover's rating was PG.

And it was in a purple background and it consisted Yuri, Natsuki and Sayori behind, while Monika was at the front.

I was surprised to find a rare DVD of it's video game. However it's price was only $1. I decide to buy it.

1 day later, my friend told me she was going to see the new Space Jam movie. A New Legacy.

Before she left, she heard the doorbell and found a box. She opened it and saw the DDLC DVD I got.

She was surprised I got a rare DVD from the ABC.

"Wow! That's really impressive of you!" she said. "Well, I have to go see Space Jam: A New Legacy. See ya!"

She then left.

And when nobody was watching I inserted the DVD and the warning screen and ABC DVD logo were normal.

But the most awesome thing of it, is that it featured the 2001 ABC DVD Logo! The nostalgia was in my mind.

It then cut to the DVD menu and it had Monika in a pink background. But before I hit play all, I check the back.

The episodes were Panic For Poems, Festival Day, Cooking with Natsuki, and a title which is unusual for a comedy show called... "Just Monika".

I was confused but I had no problem with the title. I hit play all and the 3 episodes were normal. But the 4th one... was messed up.

Before the episode started, there was a warning.

"This episode was made for the release of a 1978 film called Halloween by John Carpenter. This episode contains content that may not be for minors. Parental Guidance is recommended."

I thought to myself, "John Carpenter? I heard of that man but I never saw his films..."

Then the episode started. The intro played, however the background was black, but the music was still normal however the motion was a bit slow.

After the intro, it showed Monika looking at all the poems. "Kay... all the poems look good." But she suddenly saw Sayori's poem. She gasped. "My my! I hope Sayori's okay." But she then changed to friendly to sinister. "I guess she'll be hanging around."

Monika then had an iPad to delete Sayori by causing her to commit suicide.

It then glitched showing Sayori completely dead... oh god... it was terrible. I ran to my room as I paused the episode, and I was horrified. I cover myself in a blanket. After a minute I came back to overcome my fear. Then it showed Yuri in her bedroom. Monika came in all bloody.

"Oh, Yuri..." she called.

"Wh...who's there?" Yuri said in fear.

As she turned around, it showed a scary shot of Monika with shrunken eyes and blood all over her.

As she stabs Yuri it cuts to black, but her scream can be heard echoing.

It cuts to Natsuki making cupcakes in the bakery.

The door is heard knocking.

Natsuki called out, "Come in!"

Monika came in.

"Oh, Monika! What a nice surprise!" Natsuki said with joy.

Monika chuckled and said, "Of course, Natsuki. But... I would like a little conversation..."

She came closer, and snapped her neck. The screen cuts to black again.

The screen glitched revealing Sayori, Yuri and Natsuki all dead and covered in blood.

Monika then came in looking more messed up.

"Don't be frightened. We're going to be together... just think about me. Just... Monika."

She laughed insanely. The end credits played but the background was red and the music was in reverse.

Then it showed Monika one last time, stabbing the camera. Her evil laugh was heard but it was echoing and had a demonic effect.

Just then, the same red-tinted ABC DVD Logo played. But it was really messed up. The audio was replaced with a heartbeat sound.

And all the girls that been killed by Monika can be faintly seen in the background. Sayori was hanging on a noose, Yuri was covered in blood laying on the ground, and Natsuki was also on the floor and her head was decapitated.

And when the DVD Logo zoomed in, I heard a crazy laugh coming from Monika.

Her laugh scared the living daylights out of me!

When I thought the logo ended, it showed a jumpscare of Monika with a disturbing face like in the DDLC game but with a FNAF 2 jumpscare sound effect.

It scared the hell out of me!

It then cuts to the DVD Menu.

When my friend came back, I told her about the episode and showed it to her. She was shocked.

She told me we should put it somewhere where nobody can find it.

I didn't play Doki Doki for a week. I just know Monika is out there.

Don't buy this rare DVD. Take my advise.

Credited to Casplat
Originally uploaded on July 12, 2012

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