Donkey Kong Country: Game Over: Difference between revisions

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== Chapter 1 : The Garage Sale ==
[[File:Monkey cart.jpg|thumb|A picture of the cartridge I took]]
It was 2/1/21, at 9:10:21 AM. I was walking down the side walk when I came across a garage sale, It was sus (like the game amoeg is 😂I😂) and delapitated, they were selling old junk like computers and toys. SomethingLSomething that peaked my interest though, was a Super Nintendo cartridge with the words “DONKEY KONG COUNTRY 4” poorly written on it in black Sharpie. And what was also intriguing was the fact that it was only selling for 1 cent. Being the curious guy I am, I took the game off the creepy old man’s hands and brought it home.
== Chapter 2: A Dark Vision ==
