Electric Gibbly Gumbo: Difference between revisions

Certain grammar and spelling errors that I didn't notice until doing another read through that weren't intentional and not supposed to be there.
(Created page with "Uh hi so I'm not really used to doing this kind of thing but I guess I'll try my best to get my message across properly. Okay so my name is Randy but before you ask, NO I am ''not'' a boy. I am indeed a girl whose name is Randy which yes I know is strange but you can blame my parents for wanting to name me that. But anyways, this story isn't going to be about me. This totally true tale of mine is about my younger sister named Carlina. And this story is one that I still a...")
m (Certain grammar and spelling errors that I didn't notice until doing another read through that weren't intentional and not supposed to be there.)
(2 intermediate revisions by one other user not shown)
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Now I just want to say that from this point forward of this post of mine I will be word for word typing down exactly what Carlina wrote in her diary. I do have to warn you though that there is some disturbing content within the diary entries she wrote. These entries still haunt my brain since I read them awhile ago. Let's finally get into then. Here are the scary entries I found in Carlina's diary and the horrific truth I found out.
{{email|August 28th, 2006
August 28th, 2006
So recntly I decided to buy meself a diary because all my freidns and other cool girls at school are doing it. I'm not sure what i will write here just yet btu I guess I could start off with talking about my dya. Nothing too ineteresting happened today, I juts went to the beach with my father an bis sis Randy as a way to end off the summer nefore scjool starts again. The beacj was pretty fun tho as I awalys liked swimming and making sandcastles. I swam alot with Randy and she even bought the two of us icecream to cool down even more. It was totally amazing! That;s all I have to say for todya si I will see you later diary.
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Okie so my one friend caled me earlier today ans told me about this new game she foudn called Roblox. It soundded interesting aso I got Randy to help make me an account sou I could play with my fienmd. I sent my freind a fruend request awhich she accepted and the we started ro play this game on Roblox about riiding some rollercoaster. I forgot the name of it but oh well I can probaby lok it up later. I played with her for an hour but then I had to stop an eat dinner with my family. Dad made us spaghetti and meatballs which was vary good. That's all that relly happened today aso I'll see you later.
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I started playing more Roblox with all of my friends and it's perrty fun to play. There are soooo many cool games to play on there that I wish thta I could play all the time but unfortuantely I can't. We only have one computer in the house and so U have to share it with dad and Randy. But anyways, I played some more games today and there were all very swag. I woulnd;ve played all day if I could but Randy needed to use the computer to chat wit her friends about going to the mall thsi weekend or somthing I don't know. I went back into my room and played with my Barbie dolls for awhile then ate dinner whih was meatloaf and mashed potatoes. It was good. Well that's it for today I'll see you later.
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Just as TheLeader sent that last message, Randy caled my name and told me tp come down and eat diner. I said goodby to the other playes and left the game and ofc went down to eat. Today was a prutty wild but ineteresting day and i am going to spend teh entire night thinking abut this decision of mine. Should I joine Electric Gibbly Gumbo?????? Idk yet but I will probs have my answere tomorrow. Anyways dats al I ahve to say today diayr and I will see you later.
Line 67 ⟶ 70:
I thought taht was kinda weird but I shruged it off and did as I was told. Althoh I wisj I coul ahve spent more tiem playing one Roblox but oh well if this what I needed to do to be aprat of Electric Gibbly Gumbo then so be it. I just turned off the computer and spent the rest of my time playing with my toys and having a tea party ith them. I even managed to get Randy to play with me which was vary fun as she doesn't relly play with me anymore cuz she thinks that stuff is sooo childish now. Ughh she's alway so busy with her tupid freidns thta think they are cooler than everyone else. it;s okay tho becauze I was now going ot have cool friends too once I officaily joined Electric Gibbly Gumbo. That;s all that hapened today diary so I;ll see you later.
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Just as I typed that message in, I herd a loud knicj on the door which was followed by Randy's voice and she sounded kind of angry. I quickly logged off of Roblox and turned off the computer. Whne I o[pened the door, Randy didn't look happy and told me that she had asked for permission to use the computer forst and that she was demanding ot open the door for awhile now. Weird. I don't rememver hearing anybody call for me the entire time I was on the game but oh well. I left the room and let Randy use the cimputer but I couldn;t help but feel a lottle frustrated at her. She could've have asked more nicely to nborrow that computer she like totally didn't need to yell at me like that. Ugh wjat a jerkwad. Anywas, I have to come up with a plan of hwat and how I am going to do thus sacrifcie for HIs Darkness but that shouldn't be too hard lol. That's all that really happened today that I felt liek wirting about so I'kl see you later.
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Is what i had saud before taking that knoife and stabbing Mindy in the head to inastantly kill her. I couldn't belive what I jad done but it also felt very exilirating!! The blood on my hands felt sticky bty also amazing. I juts kne that His Darkness woul be so proud of me. But I still had one last part of teh initatution to complete. I had tooken one of Mindy's arms and slit her wrists and drank theb blood that oured out of Mindy's cut wrist. The blood tasted like metal btu also was very delicious. After I finiused drinking the blood, I relized how bloody my clothes were and knew I hadd too change or else people would be cary sus of me. I got the idea of changing clothes with Mindy as she wasn't going to need them anymore so I did. I also put my bloody knife and clothes in my bookbag before fleeing the scene dan goig home. I was surprised that dad and Randy didn't question hyw ny clothes were diferent but whatever that's on them for beig stupid as heck. I hid the knife and clothes undr my bed ot deal with later. Our hose has a fire place downstairs su I could burn the clothes in the fireplace whne dad and Randy are bith out of the house but agaun that would be for later. I didn;t loog on to Roblox today bacuase I was tired from killing Mindy so I just played a little with my Barbie dolls and ate dinnner when it wus redy. That's all I will wrote about today so see yuuo later.
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I wus soooo happy that I could almot poo my pants!!! I fianlly got to be a part of this gorup just like I wanted. For the rest of my time on the game, I aloung with the other members listened as TheLeader spooke great wors about His Darkness and hpw he was going to save us from thgis terrible Earth. Hearing the tales and storied about His Darkness were amazing an it madeed me want to know more and morre about such a wonderful entity. Whne TheLeader was done with his speach they told us we were done for the day qnd to meet up tomorrow. Me and the other members all logge off and I turnd off the computer and went back to my room thinking about how great His Darkness was. This was probably on of the bestest days of my life that U don;t have anythigb else to say about tiday so I'll see yuou later.
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Hello diaru, I know I haven;t been writing in youu latly but thats because I havek been very bsuy. I have been focusin on being a good Electric Gibbly Gumbo membr. In fcat it was what I spend moygst of my timne doing now. I'm always on the game listening to what TheLeader has to say abuyt our great His Darkness. TheLeader also assigns us certin tasks that we have to do in order to appeses His Darkness but we do it eithout complaint because His Darkness is the one true God that we repect and love gretly. Most of the tasks we are given are to comit more sacrfices to make His Darkness proud of us. I motsly kill random animals i find as ot is easier to do that adn it would mak people less suspicious of meh. Tho I migt consider killing this one boy in my clas tht is really rude to me. His name is Brett abd he always smells like onions fo some reson and it kinda grosses me out. Like learb to take a bath you moronic poo head. Anyways, I spend so muhc tiem with Electric Gibbly Gumbo that my grads are getting lowr and lowr. But I could care les about thatv now as His Darkness is the omly thing that matters anymore. I alos stopped hanging out wit the res of my fruends as I don;t need them anymore. They ar unworthy in the eyes of His Darkness which means that thy are unworthy to meh. I don;t nned to hang around suhc stupid fools anymore when I have the Electric Gibbly Gumbo members by my sude. They are the ones that kno the truth abiut this wretched Earth. Dad adn Randy are worried about me i can tell. They din't sya naything but I can just tell that theyare but they don;t have to be, I am so much better than I was before. That's all for npw iary I just wanted to give yiu a little updat so I'll hopfully see you kater.
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I finally killed taht bastard Brett today. He kept bothuring me todya abd I got so sick of him tht during lucjh at school I managed to slip rat poison in his lucnh when he wans't looking. I took glee as he chocked to death with so many concerned people surrounding hem. Because o Brett's death, eveyone got ot go home early whihc made me very happy as I begin hateing schiil more than anything. I juts couldb;t stand my teachers adn fellw classmates becuase they were so dumb and incompetant. They didn't understand the real truth abut this wrold so ut was no wonder they were so idiotic. My dad kept getting on my ass abyt getting my failing grads up but I didn't car abuot my damn grades anymore. What use was school whne the only ones I truly beeded were Electric Gibbly Gumbo and His Darkness????111!!!1!!1! Anyhing that wasn't them was useles in my mind. Randy was also begining to piss me off as she was tryinhg to get into my business. She told me I was on theb computer too muhc and tyat she was worried about how isolated I was becoming. WHAT BS!!!! She used to ignoe me for her stupid friends and NOW she was tying to hang out wiyth me?!!! HA!!!! A fool she is becauyse I don't want or need her anymmore. The only one Ineed is His Darkness. He is the one who will save us all. So that's why I slammed my bedroom door in Randy's face and skiped out on eating diner becuase I didn't want to lok at my dumb famuly rught now. That's why Im writing this cuz I'm jst relly frustrated todya. This is all I have to sya for this day so I'll see you lager.
Line 145 ⟶ 154:
Dat is such a cool and guod idea! Afer beinbg told wut we had to do nuxt, TheLeader told us all to log off and nut come buck one until 12 am. I ded as tuld and just wnet straugjht back to me room. I loked my bedrum doore and complutely ignored it when Randy and dad trued knoking on et and sauing I shoukld come down for diner. I culdn;t care les abut them anymore and sun I wuld hipefuly nevr have to see then aguin. I dontn have much else to say right now so I'l se youg later diary.
Line 150 ⟶ 160:
So I em gouing ti quick abut this entrie. I just logged off at the 12 am meting that TheLeader told us to atten. I was given my locaton so i em qickly packing uop some of meh things. I cannt brung too mcuh with me so i'll only be bringuing basic stuffs like clothes and crap. I also hav to be very quite abut this as I dontv wnat dad or Randy hearing me adn trying in ro stop meh from wut I am doing. But that means I wont be takening my diary wit me. Thsi will be my last entry her but dats okie as I will be with peopl that actully care about me and undstnd me. I am goung to be so mcuh happier and I cant wait untill His Darkness saves us all from this wretched Earth!!! I hav all muhb stuff packed and I em reddy to go now so goodbye diary it was fun whilee it lasted. And ef anyone hapens to find and red this, dont come loking for me. I don;t want to be found.
That was, in fact, the last entry my sister ever wrote. On that October morning, my dad went to wake up Carlina as usual but she didn't respond. He must've knocked on her door and called her name for at least a minute or two but he got no response which obviously made him concerned. I don't know what he must have felt to open her door and see that Carlina was gone. I remember dad telling me what happened in a panicked voice. And I remember feeling a pit form in my stomach at the awful news. Police were called, search parties were created but nothing came of it. Carlina was just gone and I couldn't help but feel so hopeless about the situation.
I fucking feel like a shit sister honestly because how the fuck didn't I notice all the warning signs? I mean I knew she was starting to change but I had just assumed that she was going through puberty and shit. I didn't realize that she was being indoctrinated into a cult via Roblox of all things. But hey, at least I finally know why I've hated that damn website for all these years. Whenever I saw that site get mentioned, I was always filled with this undeniablyundeniable rage towards it but I couldn't quite explain why. I suppose my gut just knew the answer to that before I actually found out the truth. I... have no idea what to do with this information now. Obviously I researched extensively about this "Electric Gibbly Gumbo" cult before making this post and realized that my sister wasn't the only victim. There were many others and it just makes me sick to know that such a group could cause so much destruction.
But in regards to whatever this "His Darkness" dude itsis about well... I have no fucking clue. Absolutely nothing comes up when I try researching about that part of this whole cult situation. It's like any and all information about it has been scrubbed clean off the internet which makes me very suspicious. Because how could there be absolutely NOTHING about the damn creature that this cult worshipedworshipped so dearly? It just doesn't make any sense to me. But that won't stop me from trying to find the answers to my questions. These monsters took away my sister from me so I won't stop fighting until I get justice for my little sis. If you've read all the way to this point then thank you for taking the time to hear my positively, absolutely, very TRUE story. It was quite hard for me to write this all out as thinking about Carlina hurts so much but I felt like it was important to put her story out there for everyone to know. I don't know if Electric Gibbly Gumbo is still active but let this post be a warning to anyone that may possibly cross paths with such a group. Do NOT join it under ANY circumstances!!!! You'll only be putting your life in danger so trust me when I say that it's not worth it.
I don't know what my next course of action will be but I do know that I'll continue my deep dive into Electric Gibbly Gumbo. I'll also update this post if I happen to find any other information that I think is important to share. Again, thanks to everyone that took the time to read all of this. Goodbye and have a nice day.
[[Category:Trollpasta]] [[Category:Satire]] [[Category:Jornel]] [[Category:COMPUTERS AND INTERWEBZ]] [[Category:Roblox]] [[Category:Suicide]]
[[Category:Look at me! I'm SO EDGY!]]