Electric Gibbly Gumbo: Difference between revisions

Certain grammar and spelling errors that I didn't notice until doing another read through that weren't intentional and not supposed to be there.
mNo edit summary
m (Certain grammar and spelling errors that I didn't notice until doing another read through that weren't intentional and not supposed to be there.)
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That was, in fact, the last entry my sister ever wrote. On that October morning, my dad went to wake up Carlina as usual but she didn't respond. He must've knocked on her door and called her name for at least a minute or two but he got no response which obviously made him concerned. I don't know what he must have felt to open her door and see that Carlina was gone. I remember dad telling me what happened in a panicked voice. And I remember feeling a pit form in my stomach at the awful news. Police were called, search parties were created but nothing came of it. Carlina was just gone and I couldn't help but feel so hopeless about the situation.
I fucking feel like a shit sister honestly because how the fuck didn't I notice all the warning signs? I mean I knew she was starting to change but I had just assumed that she was going through puberty and shit. I didn't realize that she was being indoctrinated into a cult via Roblox of all things. But hey, at least I finally know why I've hated that damn website for all these years. Whenever I saw that site get mentioned, I was always filled with this undeniablyundeniable rage towards it but I couldn't quite explain why. I suppose my gut just knew the answer to that before I actually found out the truth. I... have no idea what to do with this information now. Obviously I researched extensively about this "Electric Gibbly Gumbo" cult before making this post and realized that my sister wasn't the only victim. There were many others and it just makes me sick to know that such a group could cause so much destruction.
But in regards to whatever this "His Darkness" dude itsis about well... I have no fucking clue. Absolutely nothing comes up when I try researching about that part of this whole cult situation. It's like any and all information about it has been scrubbed clean off the internet which makes me very suspicious. Because how could there be absolutely NOTHING about the damn creature that this cult worshipedworshipped so dearly? It just doesn't make any sense to me. But that won't stop me from trying to find the answers to my questions. These monsters took away my sister from me so I won't stop fighting until I get justice for my little sis. If you've read all the way to this point then thank you for taking the time to hear my positively, absolutely, very TRUE story. It was quite hard for me to write this all out as thinking about Carlina hurts so much but I felt like it was important to put her story out there for everyone to know. I don't know if Electric Gibbly Gumbo is still active but let this post be a warning to anyone that may possibly cross paths with such a group. Do NOT join it under ANY circumstances!!!! You'll only be putting your life in danger so trust me when I say that it's not worth it.
I don't know what my next course of action will be but I do know that I'll continue my deep dive into Electric Gibbly Gumbo. I'll also update this post if I happen to find any other information that I think is important to share. Again, thanks to everyone that took the time to read all of this. Goodbye and have a nice day.