
Revision as of 07:10, 2 January 2017 by imported>Mai sentry

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...Or in all situations, at any time, any place, and by any audience for that matter.

So one day I was browsing Sterm and I decided to buy some games since there's a sale going on. After weeding through utter garbage like FNAF and Tea Party Simulator I found Garry's Mod. One weird thing is that it said "Original Price: $6.66 Discount Price: $0.00." I can see how they would make stuff like TF2 free to play, since that's just a FPS, but something like Gmod? I decided to get it anyways because yo momma. When it was done downloading I dove right in. Out of nowhere Gaben's voice screamed "THIS ISN'T WORKING" like a girl but I passed it off as an easter egg. So when the loading screen was over the main menu opened (What did you think would happen, a skeleton would pop out?) but in the background there was a spoopy picture of Gman and Gordon Freemen watching MLP. I passed it off as normal and loaded a new game. The only map was "gm_666" which I found weird but I chose it anyway because yo momma. After waiting 2 minutes at the loading screen I was spawned in Flattywood but the sky was black and the "Flattywood" sign said "Satanwood." I passed it off as a leftover Halloween feature and tried to build some stuff. I decided to make a scene with ragdolls so I spawned in a Breen ragdoll. One thing I found weird was that his face was twisted into a spoopy smile and his shirt had "20% Cooler" on it. I passed it off as normal and spawned in Mossman next. She had the same thing! I decided to spawn in Gman next, butt he was even spoopier. He had a spoopy look on his face and his shirt said "Join the Herd"! The weirdest thing was that instead of holding a briefcase he was holding a bloody crowbar. Then I decided to spawn a car and drive around like a madman. After driving around for 10 seconds I saw Gaben's face flash on my screen. He had the same face as Breen and Mossman and had a brony T-Shirt too. I passed it off as another easter egg then I saw Gman in the distance. I walked over to him and then he screamed and killed me with a bathtub. I said "dude omg no proppushing" but that made him even more butthurt. He pounced at me and started bashing me with a crowbar and then Gaben popped out of my compooter and stabbed me with a doll's head and I died.

This is why you never go to Steam sales, kids.