Greg Gaming Meets Peter Griffin From Family Guy Family Moments

One day in the wonderful town of Quahog, the Griffin family was enjoying their daily dose of TV.

On the couch sat, Peter, Lois, and Stewie.

"In other news, Greg Gaming has come to town for a day" Tom Tucker explained. "If you wanna meet him, you better hurry up."

"Lois! Did you hear that? Greg Gaming is in town! If I meet him, I can become one of his disciples!" Peter exclaimed with enthusiasm.

"Peetah, you know you have to take Brian to his date later. Wouldn't it be nice if he actually managed to get a girl for once in this show?" Lois said.

"Lois, that dog is never gonna get laid, EVER. I'm gonna become a Greg Enthusiast!"

Later on, he meets up with Quagmire, Cleveland, and Joe at the bar.

"racial slur" Quagmire shouted.

"Ger on the ground Quagmire, you're being detained!" Joe exclaimed as he put Quagmire's hands behind his back.

"Touch me uwu" Quagmire whispered.

After no hesitation, Joe takes out his pistol and proceeds to shoot Quagmire in the face, eliminating him from life itself.

"That's pretty poggers." Peter said.

"Peter, you know saying poggers out loud unironically isn't funny." Cleveland said.

"None of the jokes in this fucking show aren't funny, Cleveland." Peter spoke the truth.

As it appeared, Greg Gaming approached the group. "Oh my god! Greg Gaming!" Peter shouted in joy.

"Yes, it is I, Gregeth of the Gaming. How may I help you fine gentleman this fine evening?"

"racial slur" Quagmires dead corpse whispered.

Within a second, Greg Gaming awakened his Mangekyo Sharingan and opened a portal where Satan appeared and dragged Quagmire into the fires of Hell.


"That's pretty poggers." Peter said again.

"You speak the truth young Griffin. I will teach you the ways of the Greg Church and will take you as my apprentice."

"It would be an honor sir!" Peter accepted.

Greg Gaming gave Peter the cloak of the Greg Enjoyers, and he became the Second Greg Enthusiast.

This is actually a prequel story (mind blown), of how the Greg Gaming story began, and how he rose to fame, and how Peter was the only one to praise his powers.

"Peter Griffin from Family Guy funny Moments, you have become my loyal secondhand." Greg Gaming says.

"Thank you, my master. Peter said as he accepts the holy privilege of being the first apprentice of the legendary Greg Gaming.

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