Haunted SMB1 Cartridge

One day i got a NES and i got alot of classic game’s for it such as super mario bros. 3 and the legend of zelda. I was still searching for the first super mario bros. i was going to every single flea market i can go to and i still could not find it till i found it at a mini mall but there was something weird about it. It was only cost 50 cents and the cartridge did not have mario on it. Instead it was written by some one that wrote SMB1 on it. It was orange so im guessing someone wrote it with a orange marker. So i bought it anyway and as soon as i come back home i started to play it. The game started normally the only weird thing was that every time i get a coin or a power up there was no sound. I thought it was just a glitch till i went down the pipe to get more coins and the underground theme was backwards. So as soon i get to the end of the first level the flag pole was not there so i got curious to see whats more further ahead. So i was keep running and running for like 3 minutes till i passed something that was in the sky i went back to see and there was pixil red letters that said “Don’t Go Any Further!” I turned the game off and decided to rest for the day. The next day i wanted to show my sister the haunted game. The game started normally again and there was nothing weird going on. No reverse music and the flag pole was there. So my sister thought i was just joking till after i completed the first level. When level 2 began there’s a scene where mario go’s into a pipe but while the scene was playing the sky was red and there was black letters in the sky that said “I Told You So!” Then the screen went to black while the underground theme was playing backwards. So i turned it off and my sister told me to get rid of it. I decided to investigate more about the haunted game. The next day i play it one last time and this time mario’s name is not on the top right corner instead it’s mike. The whole time i was playing the game all the songs where in reverse but nothing strange happend. This time the underground level was fine but the music was still in reverse. This time i go to the warp zone and there was only one warp pipe. It was world 6 as soon i go down the pipe the level was not called world 6 – 1 instead it was world 6 – 66 then the level started and there was blood on the ground and i could not move mario and the sky once again was red with black letters that said “Mike Found You!” Then the screen turned to black and i started to get this really bad headache till i turned it off and broke the game. Now days i get these weird dreams from that game ill never get a game with a marker written on it ever again.

Originally posted on Crappypasta.com, 16 November 2012

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