Hetalia: Romano's Revenge: Difference between revisions

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[[File:Romano.jpgpng|thumb|300px|"Romano in some-what of a mad state of mind ."]]
== NOTE ==
This Deletion Log Refugee belongs to Hetalia4Ever.
I found a vid on YoutubeYouTube that said: "Hetalia Lost Episode, English subs HD". So I clicked it. When I was sure it had loaded enough not to buffer, I started watching.
== OK, let's read this! ==
I found a vid on Youtube that said: "Hetalia Lost Episode, English subs HD". So I clicked it. When I was sure it had loaded enough not to buffer, I started watching.
It started with a collection of the clips where Romano and Germany were arguing and the likes, such as when Romano blamed Germany for all the bad things that happened to him that morning. I also saw scenes which I didn't see before, but they looked normal enough. After that the ヘタリア (Hetalia) opening showed. The next scene showed Romano, spying on Germany in some bushes. He seemed to be planning something. He was muttering and checking the stuff in his bag.
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He seemed too angry, even as Romano.
Eventually, he started walking towards Germany. Germany, who appeared to be fixing things, didn't hear him. Romano pulled something out of his bag. And then I saw what it was. A knife.
Quick as a flash, Romano slashed at Germany. He missed. Germany turned around, a strangled yell coming out of his mouth. But it was too late. Romano had slashed again. He kept stabbing, hacking, slashing. Until Germany was nothing more thenthan a disemboweled corpse. Romano then put on some gloves, grabbed the corpse, and stuffed him in one of the dumpsters. He went to the restroom and changed his clothes and washed off the blood on his arms. He then went to Italy.
"Hey Romano! Watcha doing? Isn't it nice today?"
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Soon, he heard footsteps going to the bathroom. "Romano! What happened? I saw Italy outside dead!" It was Japan.
"Romano! What happened? I saw Italy outside dead!" It was Japan.
Romano cursed. He forgot about him.
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"ENOUGH!" Romano yelled.
"Don't you know how hard it is?! Being second to Germany for my  ''brother''! My own brother! And now, it's the end for YOU!"
He leapt at Japan. Japan dodged him by an inch. He saw the tears in Romano's eyes. This distracted him. Romano turned, and stabbed him. Japan looked down, and saw the knife embedded in his chest. Romano turned his back and started to leave.
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The World Meeting was about to begin. But England told America to wait a little more.
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China overheard them and said, "Wait, I haven't seen the Axis Powers yet, aru!"
"''That's''  it!" America loudly said.
"I wonder what could have happened..." England said, thinking.
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Everyone agreed.
The narrator said that the search was started right after. They split off into groups, America leading one group, England, China, France and Russia leading the other groups. England's group checked out the backyard.
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So they walked off.
Anmerica's group checked out the dumpsters.
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"Anyway, let's go to Russia's group. See what they found..." America said.
Russia's Group was in charge of the bathrooms. They looked in almost all when they found a bathroom. With blood on the mirror and the sink.
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"Let's go find China and France." America says.
France and China's groups were assigned to the rooms of the house. France's group started from the bottom. China's group started from the top. Eventually, France's group went to the second floor. China's group aslo went down to the second floor. They teamed up, searching the rooms.
France and China's groups were assigned to the rooms of the house. France's group started from the bottom. China's group started from the top. Eventually, France's group went to the second floor. China's group asloalso went down to the second floor. They teamed up, searching the rooms.
"I hope we find them..." China says.
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Now no one will ever know what really happened.
I've hated Romano ever since, removing all the pictures of him in my computer. My friends think I'm insane, since all of them love Romano. But not me. Now that I know what he did.
I tried going back to the video after shutting my computer down from shock and horror. But it won't show up. History, YoutubeYouTube, all of the possible ways of seeing it again. Not a single trace was left. So, please, if you see that episode, contact me. I need someone to discuss it to.
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