How to Write Creepypasta: Difference between revisions

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==Step 1: Choosing a Subject==
This is perphaps the easiest of all the steps. All you have to do is bring up an event from your dark and troubled past. Examples include a childhood game that gave you nightmares, a secret episode of a tv show that you and only you happened to see, past suicide attempts and the events that caused them, that one time you walked in on your parents having sex, that one time you ate at Taco Johns, or anything that scared you and made you the manperson you are today. (OrOriginal theAuthor womenNote: youLet Butbe justknown thosethat two.way That'sback Ilike said2015, it.I Eathad ita allpretty youtransphobic Peh,joke Per,here. Thon,Needless Jee,to Jeirsay, Jem, Ve, Xe, Ze, Zir, Zhe,people Zherchange, and Zhimssome outthings That'sdo right,online I'mage aabout dumbassas NB-phobewell stillas stuck in 2015Sonic.exe) But what's that you say, you don't have a dark and troubled past? Well that's odd... most of us do. Well than you can always pretend to have a dark and troubled past! The easiest way to make it seem like you do is to mention the fact that you played horror games all your life, or to bring up your self-diagonised depression! (Boom, two online communities mocked in one paragraph. I am on a roll.) You can pick any event, but it's best to pick the ones that make you look super edgy. Also, if the event took place a long time ago keep that in mind, as you'll need a way to bring it into the modern day. So for my example, I would talk about the most tramatic experience of my entire life. Playing Crazy Golf. (I still have the nightmares. And the scars.)
==Step 2: Becoming as Edgy as Possible==
