How to be Gay

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Hi guys, in todays tutorial, I’m going to show you how to be homosexual. Please rate this 4/5 star if this worked!

First steps (The Basics)

Step 1: Wait for everyone to leave

Step 2: Go on your computer

Step 3: Open discord

Step 4: Go to ur friends server and tell him to come over

Step 5: Wait.

Step 6: He has arrived.

Tricky Steps (Medium)

Step 7: Tell that bitch to go in your room

Step 8: Get a photo of a buff dude (Pro tip: print it)

Step 9: Rub your ass against the photo

Step 10: Masturbate

Step 11: Swear at the photo

Step 12: Get a frozen sausage

Step 13: Place it where your dick is (Pro tip: Suck it)


Step 15: Call 911

Step 16: The pain, it’s unbearable

Step 17: The police are here

Step 18: Fuck them

Step 19: Repair it by throwing it up and taping it back

Step 20: You are now ready

Hard Steps + Final Steps (Hard)

Step 21: Go to your room

Step 22: Think of rainbows (E.G. on page)

Example of a rainbow.

Step 23: Meet your friend

Step 24: Oh shit he’s gone

Step 25: Literally grab a doll

Step 26: Whip out ur dick

Step 27: Go nuts with it

Step 28: Kill urself for committing sins like this


Hooray! You are now officially done being homosexual! You are officially a gay person! Enjoy being gay, if this helped rate 4/5 star!!!