How to survive Rickle Pickle's slimy sleepover (Working 2023)

Sleepover rules

Rickle Pickle found image (what you can't see is the 12 gauge loaded with buckshot under the pillow)

hey thenk you for coming to my slepover as u can see i heve no frends here are the rules

rule 1- when you come to my huese knock on door 73 times while pissing yourself orelse rickke pickle with cut off your pickle (if your a girl you will grow a pickl then losed it)

rule 2- when coming into my housse walk straight into my room ( its up the flight of stairs on the 65th floor) if you dont my mother will make you the thing in the basement (you will he the meat worm)

rule 3- when we get callled too dinner if you donnet eat the food my dad in a thick scottish accent will say “ you wee little shit you donne appreciate mah food now you will become my footstool

rule 4- when we goo to bad you heve to sleep at wxactly 4:75 am or else the bat mobile will appear atsise my house and betmen will come int my room and will say “ its past your bedding sleep” you will then become the batmobile

rule 5 - when leaving make sure to shit yourself so creepy joe doesnt drag you into his 1 story bungalow

thanks for enjoying my sleepover i will now stab you to remove theee evedince ehile your slepung

Credited to H, for creating another one of these rules stories that make mad cow disease look pleasant 

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