Hyper-realistic Blood DOT Ee Ex Ee.exe.: Difference between revisions

Killed Justin Bieber with a 10 gauge instead of 12 gauge shotgun. Also noticed I got the timing wrong while waiting for Justin Bieber after eating that delicious, hyper-realistic cake with hyper-realistic blood.
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(Killed Justin Bieber with a 10 gauge instead of 12 gauge shotgun. Also noticed I got the timing wrong while waiting for Justin Bieber after eating that delicious, hyper-realistic cake with hyper-realistic blood.)
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"I don't know," I said.
He then asked for a cup of sugar, and I gave it to him. He baked a cake, which was covered in hyper-realistic blood. The blood was squirming. It was disgusting, but I had to eat it, or else I would die. I ate it. When I finished my last bite, I waited approximately 0.285673938285673937 seconds, and Justin Bieber popped in my door way! I was so excited! JUSTIN BIEBER IS AT MY FUCKING HOUSE!
I kicked him in the hyper-realistic balls, ran upstairs, grabbed my 1210 gauge shotgun, shot him in the face, while making sure he was still alive, played his song "Baby" for him, so that only he could hear it, and then I killed him with 8,999 rusty nails. It was magnificent. I sold him on e-bay and it auctioned for $2,781,735,097.26. I lived a happy life in a log cabin for the rest of my life, being known as the hero who killed the almighty hyper-realistically disgusting Justin Bieber.
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