I feel as if no one knows about the world anymore... we ignore it, we take it for granted, and mock it... but why? Is there a reason? Do we understand what could happen? Of course not, then why would we do it? When we sit on our bed, limbless, faceless, and completely disappeared, do we realize what can, and will, happen? We just sit around, attempting to waste time, when there might be little time left? Are we throwing away our lives so we can slightly enjoy ourselves?

We complain about minor flaws in the universe, when we should be worrying about when we will meet our untimely demise, where we would never be able to complain again. Do you think I'm insane? Heck, I'm thinking about real life worries, you're complaining about a headache. In about 3 minutes, you might not have that headache anymore, but if the world comes to close to the sun, or comes into contact with a meteor, there's no way out. I'm OK, I'm OK, you're just a little Ponyboy, listening and doing, but nothing will stop people from dying.

You can't do anything, I can't do anything, we're doomed to failure, nothing will matter when we are destroyed, but when we're destroyed, we can't fail, we can't be hurt, we just sit in a dark abyss, with no hopes, no worries, nothing. I'm OK, aren't I? You understand, don't you? I'm OK. I feel like you know me, and I feel as if I know you. We both know we'll be destroyed sooner then later, so go ahead. Think about it for a second, don't worry, I won't watch.

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