Hello girl its nice to meet you.
I'm sorry but I'll have to beat you,
To death that is,
That's what I said,
Don't think too much you'll soon be dead.

Broken heart,
Broken mind,
Holes for eyes,
She dies, she dies, she dies.
Shhhh its a secret.

I see red;
Smashed head.
Why wont she die?
Please become dead.
Dripping blood;
Drip, drip, drip
A puddle on the floor;
Lick, lick, lick.

Please don't cry
Why, why, why
It's fun to die
Bye, bye, bye

Life is fast as you can see,
It's fast for you but not for me.
I'm not the monster in your dreams,
I'm sorry if I laugh at your pitiful screams,
Hehe hehe hehe.

Deformed body on the floor;
Poor girl oh, poor girl.

You were so young but I didnt care,
Life is hard it isnt fair.

Seeing you lay in a puddle of red,
Makes me wish you were alive and not there dead.
Just wait right there I'll go get your head,
I think I left it on your bed.

There see, you look much better.
All you need now is a nice warm sweater.
Cover up the scars and holes,
Why you look good as new, lets go for a stroll.

What? No, your still not ready?
Do you want a toy? Maybe your teddy?
What was it's name again?

Oh yeah, Betty.

It's getting late so we must be off.
No, don't move I'll help you up.

For all of you reading this I bid you adieu.
Don't feel too bad for her, this could happen to you.

So long, farewell, and goodbye;
The next time you hear from me it will be your turn to die.

-Your Friend,
Jiggy Pepper

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