Jordan Peterson on Burger King

Based on a 2018 Reddit comment

Okay. Okay, so, Burger King. That name is so bloody complicated, it took me like 3 months of non-stop thought to figure this out. Well, you look at it and you can say pretty confidently, 'King' that's actually an instantiation of a patriarchal mode of being, isn't it? It's like 'That's the typification of a fatherly figure that exists at the top of all possible dominance hierarchies'. I guess that'd be a good way to describe it.

But it's not 'A king' per se when you go to burger king. It's the instantiation of an individual as necessarily being the embodiment of the transcendent ideal of a king. It's a king, as such. The typified aspect of kingship as such is inexorably tied up with the word. And what does the typified father figure do? Well, he provides! Doesn't he? He provides food and shelter and burgers. Well, yea, that's bloody well right, it's who provides burgers. Exactly!

You know, you know, when Alexander Solzhenitsyn was in the gulags he thought about food a lot. And there they were given 10 ounces of bread a day and that's like your food for the day and that's it! And one of the things he tried to puzzle out, is in what way is life up until that point had been complicit in producing the soviet state. And that's a question that if you really tried to answer it, phew, man, that's, that's rough man. Takes you to a dark place. So I think think, well, no I better not. I don't have enough information to answer that competently.

All I can say right now is the degree to which we decide to patronize fast food restaurants that aren't instantiations of the sovereign ideal. It may have bigger effect than we think. You know, the world is a funny place and it's a lot more connected than we understand. Well, yea, that's, that's all I can say about that right now.

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