She loved her men almost as much as she loved her collection. Almost.

However, in the end, her collection was more important. What a lovely collection it was, all pearly white and lined up in a row, so lovely. She had them stacked on shelves, on cuboards, on bookcases. Here was Hubert, there was Allan, and there was Joshua. She loved them all.

Here she lived with her collection, occasionally going out to gather food for them. They loved her food. In the night, they called out to her, asking to be stroked and loved. She loved them. They hated the light, like her, they were pale skinned, or as she liked to put it, beautiful ivory, like her, and they never argued. They were happy, until that bad man in a blue suit came.

He came in the middle of the night, shouting obscure words at her, words she couldn't comprehend. He took her lovlies away, her beauties, her own. They locked her up in a cold white room, strapped in a coat that constricted her every movement. She hated it.

One day, they took her to a room that reeked of death. They strapped her in a wooden chair, and started to sharpen a large spike. She wiggled at her strappings, and they loostened. She was free!. She bided her time, waiting until the man with the spike came close, and lashed out. In seconds, she had his bloodie beauties in her hands, and she felt calm again.

For a long while, she wandered through the hallways, killing all the whitecoat men she came across. She took their little lovlies, and left them to die. Soon, she came across the blue suit man. He shouted at her, and she rushed him. A white flash, and a blinding pain in her stomach.... Then silence.


"Today a death occured at Bethlem "Bedlam" Royal Mental Institution. A greatly disturbed woman who had a fetish for severed ears was shot by an officer she tried to assault. No charges were pressed against the officer, as he was acting in self-defense. The woman was shot in the abdomen, and soon bled to death as she lay in the ICU at New Heights Medical Hospital. The officer was unharmed."

Credited to Archivistoflostsouls

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