Lost - DeadDesmond.avi

Can someone help me here? I'm looking for a lost episode of Lost. As you may know, a popular Lost series has been on ABC for a long time. However, between February 2, 2008 and February 6, 2008, an unknown episode was accidentally released a week before episode 402. Also some around the production company Bad Robot discovered that one of the main writers was introduced after fighting with one of the actors , and on occasion of going to do episode 402, it was supposed that the program would repeat the third season on ABC.

Between midnight to 3:00 am between southwestern Tennessee, northern Mississippi, and eastern Arkansas (near the so-called Memphis, Tennessee metropolitan region), people reported a new episode much more disturbing than Lost. expected, some people were scared enough to see it.

Apparently the quality of the episode was mediocre when it was kept to regular standards. It was very agitated, the sound was tight and very muffled. There were reports that the actors in the episode were switched and that Desmond Hume was killed in a very surreal and impossible way. The scenario was described as "tense and much more obscure than a normal Lost episode."

In addition, the characters behaved strangely. When normal personalities occurred despite the instability between them, the people who watched complained that they looked extremely sad than expected and gratuitously hateful to each other, constantly kept speaking Japanese and without subtitles. The protagonist, Jack Shepard, also whispered in a very bad way that no one knows because, as if he was threatening someone and at times it looked like he was talking to the viewer. The other protagonist, Hugo "Hurley" Reyes, on the other hand, spoke in a sexual tone of voice as if he were harassing an unidentified character and that annoyed half the spectators and others thought that this was a joke by the actor.

Some reports say that during the end of the episode, when incurring the credits appear, a very bizarre scene appeared that seemed to have been taken from an anime or a manga. This scene is said to appear something like a head falling apart in a similarly realistic manner taken from the 1997 film The End of Evangelion. But the scene was screaming and seemed to be more agitated than before.

I specialized my search for the episode after someone quoted the incident that day on local ABC at a meeting I had at Bad Robot headquarters in 2012, 2 years after the end of Lost. That same employee also lived in the Memphis metropolitan area at the time before moving to Los Angeles to work for the company, he said that after the event, the owner of the station where the episode committed suicide.

The letters and e-mails he had received were as expected: Angry people asking what the hell would put that crap on air, attorney fees saying they would threaten them in hundreds of thousands of dollars, and of course, many people portraying scenes of the episode, which were very different things mentioned earlier.

An email, however, drew special attention, as if it were an email from Bad Robot for the season: "Thank you for purchasing the fourth season of Lost © Bad Robot-ABC 2008. All rights reserved." Just below was a list of episodes in the series, descriptions of episodes from 1-14 and that special episode (the entire fourth season) and legal information regarding ratings and air times. note was placed with the words "Special episode should not be watched! Only episodes 1 through 14 should, this was a database error and possibly problematic material."

I set out to find this episode, but to no avail. My second plan was to travel the metropolitan area of ​​Memphis to ask the people who sent it as angry letters and emails about the episode to give me their opinion on that. Those who haven't moved out of the area since then gave me only "I don't know" or "I don't want to comment" responses, but I finally met a guy from Pleasant Hill, Mississippi, who also taped the episode.

He invited me over to his house and showed me his copy of the DVD of the episode that had something written like "DeadDesmond.avi", he was very kind and I said calmly what I was looking for and who told me to do it. He quickly recognized the person I said earlier and said he was his best friend and lived in the same city before going to California to work at Bad Robot. Obviously, the three of us agreed to meet at my home in Pasadena, California, to see the episode.

3 days later, we returned on a train ride through Amtrak to Los Angeles, so we met at the station and went to my home. Once there, we had lunch for a while and went to see what the hell was in that episode. We put the DVD that was in an envelope packet kept in case, to be displayed, we took the DVD out of its packaging and put it in the player. We sat on the couch to watch and so the DVD started playing, I whispered to my friends what the hell was that for.

The episode started with John Locke walking through the woods with Hugo. There was an angled camera coming from the front of the two showing them walking towards the viewer. John Locke had the angry expression he always does when something goes wrong, his eyes were red around the iris as if they were bleeding. Hugo looked absolutely helpless and practically worried, with a look of fear in his eyes.

The audio was very muffled in that scene, so we couldn't know what they were talking about at that time. But in an advanced moment, when the two arrive at the camp that was set up when the Oceanic Airlines 815 flight crashed on the island, the scene then cuts to Hugo, who is talking to Jack Shepard. This time, the audio is no longer muffled and shows what they were talking about, they said that Desmond had been missing since yesterday and that they were planning to go in the forest to look for him. Jack shows a furious expression too, even said in a threatening tone to Hugo that he didn't know anything and that he would regret what he was doing.

The three of us were confused, what the hell did Hugo do to make Jack furious? Search for Desmond? We absolutely don't understand shit about what happened in the beginning, but it made us very thoughtful and very afraid. Sun and Jin, the Korean couple in the series were looking at what appeared to be a corpse wrapped in a cloth. The camera went foggy and small moans were heard from someone before Jack hit him. At this point, the screen went black.

The screen went back to normal and Jack was going towards the couple again, the image was so blurry in that part that all we saw was a black blur going towards two blurs. Again, the moan grew louder, but this time it was sounding as if the microphone was in an "earrape" and a loud static came. A sequence of scenes came, some out of context, I will skip some of those scenes because some are from previous episodes of the previous season.

We jumped and shivered during that noise, it was very scary for us. The scene cuts to Sayid with an expression of tiredness, who has moved strangely around a tent, with the quick thud of footsteps being the only audio. The footsteps could be heard clearly when I was shown an overview of him walking quickly around the beach, there was no one else there except Sayid. Suddenly, James "Sawyer" Ford appears who started shouting the name of Sayid Jarrah when he was hit by something that looked like a gun and then running faster and faster towards Sayid until the screen starts to blur again, until the screen went black. Another "earrape" was heard and the phrase "TURN BACK" flashed in the middle, this happened for 15 seconds.

An extreme close-up of their tent came in absolute silence for a long maddening time, at least 2 minutes of dead silence, no one was seen there and showed a night sky outside. But, what was more weird, was that the entire episode of Lost showed a flashback of each character's previous life, but in that episode there was no damn flashback. I didn't understand why, but I chose to ignore it.

Then we see Claire and Kate in an abandoned house or something related to Dharma, exploring to see if there was anything. Claire is crying very loudly with Kate trying to comfort her by speaking in the middle: "It still hurts...", suddenly, the door to the house is broken into by an unknown character. Her face was not shown because the camera appeared to be on her, Kate was thrown out of the house, Claire was shown... or at least, what was left of her.

His clothes were torn, his mouth was running blood, and teeth were missing. The disturbing part was that she lost both arms and legs and apparently became paraplegic. I almost cried when I realized that someone tortured Claire and left her in that state, some who were with me started to say "No, not again". The camera remained on her face bleeding, still as a figure, silent as always, until she fell off the chair... dead from bleeding...

The commercials started showing on that DVD, it was enough for me to go to the bathroom and throw up a little, my friends had no reaction because they said they had already seen this thing and would be used to seeing it again. The recording of the commercials was a little longer, for about 10 minutes, until it came back...

The scene cuts to Desmond Hume, that crazy Scotsman who was on the island for 3 years. When he showed the place where he was, it was the same house as in the previous scene, something was different. Claire disappeared from that place and Kate was standing in front of an empty crib, for those who don't know, the same crib is used by Claire and Charlie's son who appears throughout the series. She wasn't standing the same way as the previous scene that was lying on the floor, and I thought it was some kind of another episode. He walked over to her and he tried to talk, but she ignored it and Kate kept looking at the empty crib.

Desmond left the site and outside the forest, the camp was still empty, but the plantations and trees near the site were all dead (Except for some remaining sites that had plantations and trees but well away from the empty camp). The huts looked crumbling, broken and stained with bloodstains. I'm not sure, since this was something that didn't make sense despite the series being violent.

Desmond left the camp to investigate further, went to the hatch site that exploded in the second season where Desmond stayed for 3 years. But as soon as he arrived, he saw something that looked like a road, it looked like it hadn't been used in years because it was full of leaves and branches. Now I thought it was some kind of normal episode, or cut scenes from another episode that I had never seen before. When I arrived in an area, I was surprised to find a church in the middle of the island just like the camp, in ruins and abandoned. There was nobody, but suddenly, Desmond read something that was written with what looked like blood on the church wall with the words "GO TO THE VILLAGE".

Everyone who saw Lost knew exactly where the village that was formerly used by Dharma and was the home of "The Others", I believe that those who watched the entire series know this well and I will not give much spoiler to those who did not see it. As Desmond walked, he came across Benjamin Linus standing on the side of the village. Desmond came up to him and Ben said, "Desmond, why did you take so long? Come on, we need to start something important." Then the scene went on with Desmond following Benjamin into the village, it went on like that for 1 minute while a small static sound played until the two arrived at a house.

Inside, what I saw was simply disgusting. There was a cross that was turned upside down, somewhat cliché to be used in something like a horror movie, I think. The walls were filled with mold, and there were black candles mounted in the shape of a pentagram on the floor. There were other people in the house looking at the two, the only one I recognized was Richard from "The Others" and the rest were characters that I never saw in the series at all, but again the scene left us unsure.

Then, Desmond is pushed into the middle of the pentagram by Ben and then is immobilized in the middle. Ben starts saying things that seemed to be in Latin, things that I couldn't understand, but Desmond starts shouting at him to stop and that this was crazy, no answer was heard. Then, the episode started to give horrible problems. The speakers, which until then had produced little noise during that act, released a distorted sound again and the screen became blurred, causing it to recognize neither Desmond, nor Ben, nor anyone in that scene, just a blur.

What I saw right away looked like scenes from an anime or a manga, they were poorly edited and a horrible quality, of course, but I could see what was going on. The first image represented that scene previously described in the movie The End of Evangelion of an entity having its head melted and shattered from its body, meanwhile, a cry was heard in the middle and it appeared to be Desmond. But, only louder and more unbearable to the point of almost feeling that my ears were bleeding. The second image was something that looked like a man losing his internal organs and having a hemorrhage, which we almost vomited. Then, like a slideshow, the images changed, continuing the show. Now I knew it was an edited episode and it was nothing from Bad Robot or whatever the shitty production was.

In the next figures, Desmond's body shatters into human flesh, and they spread throughout the house and the village in the following images, I was fascinated that someone had had the time and effort to put it all into an episode of Lost and I almost threw up again. The next scene showed Ben's face smiling and looking at the viewer, it scared us a little since he was dirty with something that looked like blood. But what happened next made me shiver, a blurry portrait of my father appeared, and the slideshow moved quickly, like a book being flipped through. It showed his body decomposing rapidly, as if he were dead. The look on his face stared at me, expressionless.

Then, the scene cuts to Desmond but only his head was shown. Now, the quality was perfect. A zoom in his face revealed that his eyes were missing, blood was pouring down his neck and mouth and staring at nothing. The face was on the floor of the house, but in a worse state than before. The camera showed Desmond's deformed face for the remainder of the episode, about 3 minutes, and the episode ends.

Suddenly, my friend jumped in his chair. He told me that he had seen the lips of Desmond's face move and say the word he thought was "End". We saw that same part about ten times, and every time we tried to freeze the part where you told me, the screen would cut to black. I decided to put an end to that, because we needed a better copy of that episode if we wanted to find out why that episode was shown in few parts and why Bad Robot and ABC said nothing about it.

At a meeting at Bad Robot that I did after a few days, I decided to talk to the owner, J. J. Abrams. Without further details, they told me that there was no episode in which Desmond died or with a satanic ritual, and that Henry Ian Cusick never got tired of doing the series. Knowing that it was a dead end, I called another phone again and asked for the contact information of the actors in the series. Apparently, all the information was out of date, since the phones of the actors of Jack, Sawyer, John and Sayid were all "number unavailable" and they could have changed their number. And the actresses of Sun, Claire, Kate, the actors of Hugo, Jin and Ben did not want to get in touch.

However, I managed to get in touch with Desmond's actor Henry Ian Cusick and arrange an interview with him about his television and theater roles with the help of my two friends who were watching that episode that day. Henry appeared as expected; casual outfit, big smile on his face, and he looked like a simple, ordinary guy. He received me very well, being very kind to us.

After sitting down, I asked about some of his roles in theater and television, eventually getting to the subject about Lost. When I got him there, though, he was very anxious. I asked him specifically about the episode in which Desmond dies, and he suddenly stopped in mid-breath. His pupils withdrew to almost nothing, and then he looked at me, saying that he never did an episode in which Desmond died or anything like that. Of course, I knew better, and I asked him about what I saw before. He grabbed his face, not as if frustrated, but to wipe his eyes, which were begging to cry.

He took a deep breath, and told me that a similar episode exists and was written by Brian K. Vaughan; he told me that what he expected of him, that he had always been a good man and that he was very patient with everyone whenever he read the script, but by the time the third season came to an end, Vaughan became very angry with everyone world, including Henry himself. Sawyer and Michael's actors threatened to resign if he didn't improve his behavior, but the executive producer paid the two large sums of money in hand just to read the script that Vaughan had written. Apparently, Vaughan had a top order to produce this episode, and that it had been listed as a business priority.

He said that Vaughan wanted to take revenge by making a scene in which Sawyer was shot by someone and Sayid did nothing, just stood there... and that was all. He said he didn't remember Desmond doing a satanic ritual with Ben and he was killed or something. Lost was violent, but not to the point, which left him confused and a little irritated. He said that Vaughan was deeply sorry for what he did, and that he tried to bury this stupid thing a few years ago. Literally, he went out to the field with friends including Henry was, dug a hole and buried the episode.

What intrigued him, though, is how I described the blood, the bizarre anime scene and other things. They did not make any scene with Desmond being dismembered in a satanic ritual, he said that all that happened in the episode was that people are told that Desmond has disappeared and the scene between Sayid and Sawyer, and they are screaming like crazy. They didn't even do anything like that in the episode, if they did, the fight would probably be stronger.

Henry's theory is this: A lunatic who worked at Bad Robot at the time found the DVD they had buried in Hawaii, watched and heavily edited by putting people like them on the video. Then he handed this tape over to the owner of the ABC station near Memphis, Tennessee. Now, because my dad appeared in a scene, had no idea, because it looked like I was the only one I saw. Even about the poorly edited scene of the Evangelion movie that appeared at the end of the episode, he didn't even know anything either, because he didn't know much about anime and that was kind of weird for the interview.

We stopped the interview right there and asked if he could give me a copy of the original episode, but he told me that they never sent copies back to the actors or someone from Bad Robot like J. J. Abrams. This was as far as my search for the episode went. I heard that there is an original and edited copy at the station in Memphis, but I have no way of getting there at the moment, because of my low budget and my family because my father was diagnosed with terminal bowel cancer and I don't even know if he survives. Nobody knows who heavily edited the episode and who were those look-alikes of the original actors to make such a disgrace, but please help me in my research, please.

Credited to A232004 

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