Lost Millennium Falcon LEGO Set

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To sum this off, how should I say this: I was attacked.

Okay for a recap, I was a huge Star Wars fan back in the day, used to be obsessed with all that; I had the collector's toys, vintage posters, and even the LEGO sets. But let me tell you, this isnt going to end well.

This all started when I was walking through a swap meet, and there was a stall selling old LEGO toys, I did spot a Millennium Falcon microfighter among the other sets, but it was all washed up and the colors were a little murky.

I asked the vendor and he told me that this was pre-owned. To sum up my disappointment, I was still curious if this was a buy or a pass, so I bought it off of him.

When I got back to my apartment, I took it apart when I got to the table, and sure enough, it smelt like old boiled eggs, like what the hell. But I ignored the smell and start building it again, just like when I was a kid.

Finishing it, I was missing the minifigure that came with it: Han Solo. I looked across the hall and I found out he was sitting there in the corridor. Did I just drop it or I was that stupid? For sure enough, I brought it back and it was dark colored now and the head was dashed with a little bit of blood, I assumed it must be ketchup, or hot sauce I dont even know.

I went to bed after finishing the set.

But this morning I woke up to my room being shattered, like all my stuff was scattered on the floor, and my posters were torn like a tiger came in and rampaged. I was a little spooked that this happened, I always clean my room as usual.

The following hour after that, I noticed that it smelt like burning plastic, like a burning LEGO piece, then I found out the Microfighter Falcon I bought was melting in the oven that was like left out overnight.

I took it out with water as fast as I could, noticing that there's blood written in my walls saying: "MAY THE FORCE NOT BE WITH YOU". I had a theory that someone was pranking me, could it be my next door neighbour that acts like a prankster as the years went by? No, it couldnt be. He moved out when I was in college.

After investigating, I finally found out where my missing LEGO Han Solo figure was, it was near the balcony sitting there. I grabbed it, but when I caught it the railing crumbled and some shadow figure pushed the hell out of me and I fell from the 2nd floor. One of the tenants called 911 and took me to the medical room.

Two weeks in the hospital, I found out that the original owner of the Microfighter Falcon I bought was revealed as a father of two kids. He was reported he murdered his wife and kids because he was going through a mental crisis. The following day, their kids' toys were thrown into evidence nearby a river.

I had an answer: I'm a victim of a murder. After that, I went to bed knowing the bad stuff was all gone, but during my sleep, I heard a creepy voice howling saying: "I shot first."

I heard a gunshot through the outside.

Later on, I was out of the hospital normal now. My friend sent me a picture via my FaceTime he had the same minifigure as me but new. I couldnt bring in any footage because my old PC was damaged.

And as always, this was the end of my gruesome story. My Microfighter Falcon is long gone now.

May the Force be with you.

Credited to Pony Car

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