Majora's Mask - Possible Ben Experience

This is based of a real life experience. Since it's so many years ago, and we had no means of recording it, I don't blame you if you don't trust me. I don't know if it was BEN or something else, but whatever it was, it DID freak the hell out of us... Also, English is not my native language; I apologize for grammar/spelling errors, I do try to keep them down to a minimum though. This happened to my big brother, not me personally.

I will admit, I was sitting with him and watching him play.

Ah, I forget myself...

I should take it from the start... Or at least what I recall. Since there's nothing written, the only thing we can trust is our memories... And memories tends to lie, so don't take my word for everything that's written; I can merely tell what I recall personally.

My big brother and me have always been rather big fans of the Legend of Zelda series (not major ones, but hey, you get the gist of it). He had a N64 and got Legend of Zelda - Majora's Mask (I had one myself, but at the time, I wasn't too into Zelda; I was busy with other games instead). I watched him play it every once in a while, mainly when I was bored, he tried figuring out a puzzle and asked me for help or something like that. Half the time, I just sucked but hey, I was like 11-13 years old or so. I don't recall exactly how many years ago it happened; about nine, I think.

Anyway, he was playing through the game as normal. Most of that day, I don't remember too well; it was probably just your average run-of-the-mill day (meaning nothing special happened). He was sitting and playing Majora's Mask when I entered his room and sat down next to him. He was going to fight the 3 Skeleton bosses (I sadly don't recall their name; I have never personally played Majora's Mask, only watched him play, so I apologize for the lack of names used).

It took a while for us to figure out how to defeat the first two, but once we did, it wasn't too bad. However, instead of the scene with the Skeleton King standing up, he just... Disappeared.

Like, he LITERALLY disappeared into the chair. It was as if his damn chair (I don't call it a throne because it doesn't look like one, tough luck) absorbed him.

Having never fought him before, we both figured "hey, it's probably just how the hell he's supposed to be fought" so I helped him. We looked around but... What the... No boss? Where the hell is he?!

We tried fighting all over the place, hit all walls, ran up to the chair (did nothing), anything you can possibly imagine.

Needless to say, we got freaked out; what in the world was going on? We couldn't leave the room, either, so that sucked. Instead, he brought out the Ocarina of Time. He played the song that transports you (sorry, I don't know the name, once more). Like in any other boss fight, it said he wasn't allowed to (it was sealed or something like that). So, okay, what the hell to do?

We continued attempting to use various songs, but it still did nothing. The boss music played as normal, but we STILL couldn't fight him. Or get out of the room. Or do anything. Like, at all.

After a while, the game changed screen all of a sudden. It was changed to the final frame where Link teleports using the teleportation song (red screen with the wings that surrounds Link). The game froze and we could do nothing about it.

Both of us got scared senseless; whether it was a glitch or something more... Sinister, to this day, we still don't know.

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