Day 1

"Mario, dinner's ready!" Luigi said, with a smile.

"I'm coming." Mario said, running downstairs, almost tripping.

Luigi made Mushroom Stew.

"Oh boy, Mushroom Stew!" Mario shouted, foaming at the mouth.

Mario and Luigi enjoyed it very much.

Mario and Luigi felt very tired.

So, they decided to go to sleep.

Suddenly, Mario woke up, and he needed to poop.

Mario ran into the bathroom, before almost breaking his neck on the wooden floor.

Mario saw his reflection, but it was different.

His reflection had a very evil smile.

Mario was shocked.

Mario screamed so loudly that it woke up Luigi.

"Mario, what the hell is it?" Luigi said, with a rather tired face.

Mario began to poop.

"N-n-nothing." Mario said, nervously.

"Don't you get that feeling that we're in a comedic Creepypasta with hilarious dialogue, that was written by TheBigLG?" Luigi asked, staring at Mario.

"I get that feeling too." Mario said, shaking.

It was then morning.

Mario decided to surprise Luigi.

Mario grabbed a knife from the kitchen and waited next to the kitchen door for Luigi.

Luigi saw Mario.

"Surprise!" Mario screamed, nearly pooping his pants.

"Oh, Mario, you are really funn-" Luigi couldn't finish his sentence, because Mario killed him.

The End.

Written by TheBigLG
Content is available under CC BY-SA

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