Mario Party 666: Wario's Revenge: Difference between revisions

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It was a normal day, i was going to my girlfriend's how se and she was cheating on me with my friend kevoin, he sai it was beacuse i accidentally killed his dog called presley, then i nearly kill him, leaving him in the streets.
I got very really sad and went to my house, but i triped on Mario Party cartirdge, i liked mario party so i went into my house to play it: but i realized the name was marioMario partyParty 666, i thought it was a glitch so i went to the title screen and selected luigi, there was only one board called hell, i got scared but i put on start on the game and i appeared on a board, but the sky was blood red and the lava had skeletons on them and i spawned with WARIO, yoshi and peach i was scared, i didnt even play my turn but it happened anywyas, i got into a mini game with katanas, i killed everyone but wario, then the game crashed i was tired and i went to sleep, BIG MISTAKE
==Day 2==
