Megs' Massacre (Part 1)

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Megs' Massacre (Part 1) In 2005, Me and my brother went to a garage sale and we found a Family Guy DVD, we were big fans of Family Guy so we got the disc, we asked the garage seller how much it was, The Garage Sel'ler said it was Free, So we went home.

After we got home we were excited to watch it, but our mom and dad told us to give it to them, so they can make sure it was actully a Family Guy episode and not something else. After they watched the entire DVD they said it was all ok and it was an actual Family Guy Episode,they gave us the DVD Disc Back so we can watch the episode.

We got excited and put the DVD Disc in a Disc Player, and when the episode began, it played the intro, but for some reason Meg wasn't in the intro but we can hear her cry.

I said "Hmm thats odd.." so we just continued watching it, when the intro finished the episode began with Meg in her room, and she is crying, she is begging and saying "Not again... I cant Do this.." then we hear a little girl's voice saying "Do It..." For the rest of the beginning of the episode meg is walking slowly with tears in her eyes.

When the Episode got to the middle meg started to act strange. I was confused But my brother said "Maybe its just part of the episode" No Shit Sherlock. Meg walks into the bathroom and finds stewie taking a bath, Meg went close to the bathtub and grabbed stewies head with her hand, and Meg Said "HAVE A NICE BATH" and put stewies face in the water and began drowning him, after the bubbles stopped she called brian.

"Brian". She Said, Brian comes in the bathroom "What is it Meg?" He said, Meg Said "Can you check in the bathtub". "Why" Said Brian, Meg Said "Please". "Fine" said Brian, Brian Looks in the bathtub and sees stewie in there. He says "OH GOD"

Meg then leaves the bathroom, she tries to find something, I say "What is she trying to find" She goes to Chris' Room and finds a bat, she then gets the bat and goes back to the bathbroom,

"Brian..." Brian turns around, Meg then hits brian with the bat, she did it again, and again, and again.....

Meg gets brians bodys and takes it outside, she puts his body on the grass, and she gets the lawnmower, she starts the lawnmower, and she takes it twords brian, that is when Peter comes outside

"BRIAN!!!!!!" said Peter "DAD IDK WHAT HAPPENED" She said, that was a lie because we saw her kill brian with the lawnmower with our eyes, Meg then starts to cry, Peter then sees blood on Meg, Peter says "MEG WHY DO YOU HAVE BLOOD ON YOU". Meg looks at Peter with a deadly look on her face, Meg then said, "Oh so you just realized that until now???", "YOUR WEARING GLASSES HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE" "GET BETTER GLASSES FATTY" Meg then grabs peter and takes him to the kitchen

"M-M-MEG?? WHAT ARE YOU DOING", Said Peter, Meg Said "Oh, im just ganna help you get good vision, Meg turns the stove on, Grabs Peters Face, and slams it on the stove.

His face begins burning off, Me and my brother then smell burning, Its like meg was actully burning Peters Face in "OUR" KITCHEN, we pause the episode and run to the kitchen, but theres nothing...

We go back to the TV and resume the episode, Meg leaves the kitchen with peters' Face still burning on the stove, Chris then walks in the Kitchen to get some water from the fridge, he opens the fridge and gets some water, when he closes it and turns around he sees Peters' Face on the stove, Chris Said confusingly "Dad are you ok..?" He then walks closer to his body, he picks his face up and sees his face all burned off and bleeding, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, MEG HELP!!!", Meg then runs in the kitchen scarely, "MEG WHAT HAPPENED TO DAD", Med lies and says "IS HE OK???", Chris Says "NO HE DIED", Meg lies again and said "WHAT NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!", Chris then sees blood on her, "M-m-m-meg?, why do you have b-b-blood on you...." said chris. Meg lies, AGAIN, and says "Oh, this is just ketchup, i accidently got some on my shirt this morning at 11:00 A.M, sorry if it spooked you" Chris said, "Oh Fufe, I thought you killed dad for a se-"

Meg Forcfully Grabs Chris, Meg slams chris' Head with the fridge door 20 times, Meg then gets his body and puts it on the table, I started to get scared because this feels like a horror movie and not like a show.

Meg then gets a knife and chops chris' head off and puts it in the microwave, she then starts the microwave, a timecard came on the screen and

"2 minutes later". Meg goes back to the microwave and opens it, chris' head is still in it and all burnt and black, Meg then gets the head and puts it in Peter and lois' Bedroom, she then realized "Wait LOIS!" she looks around the house to find lois, but she is no where to be found, she then sees a note on the fridge saying " "Peter, I have went to go get groceries, make sure the house doesnt burn down again -Lois",

Meg then went in the family car, and drove to the supermarket, but she didnt know how to drive so she drvoed right into the store,after she droven right into the store and everyone saw, they began to scream and run, then she found lois in one of the aisles, then she began shooting at lois, lois screams and saying

"MEG WHAT ARE YOU DOING", meg then sayed "nothing", and tried shooting at lois, lois then gets in a random strangers car, with the stranger in it, Meg found lois and the stranger and shot the stranger, lois got into the driver seat and drove off.

While she is driving meg catches up in her car and shoots at lois's tires, and lois crashed into a tree. After that lois looks at the screen and says "Help me, Roy and Erin, I can see you, I know your watching me, im begging you shes coming" Me and my brother we couldnt move, we were in shock, at the same time Meg was going to the car to kill lois, the cops come and start to shoot at meg, meg fires back, she hits them, more cops show up to help lois, and they take lois to the police station where she meets joe and bonnie, Joe explains that their ganna kill meg and they need lois's help to know she is (Could Be).

Lois says i honestly dont know, she wasnt my favorite.

The power suddenly turns off out of no where, and at the same time, our houses electricity went out too, the tv was still running the show, we were confused, unable to move and speak, and said to our selves, how could the tv still be on if it runs on electricity?, So we just continued watching.....

We heard thumps, and the wet sound of blood splattering over the floor, the cops flash the flashlights to where the sound was coming from, and they see Meg, Beating a cop in the head with a hammer, they start firing, meg uses the cops body as a "shield" as the cops were reloading meg starts to kill them with her hammers, she starts throwing one, and beating the others with them, at the same time they reloaded meg sets her self on fire, the cops begin shooting her, that is when the sprinklers went off, but it wasnt water, the screen cuts to it being GASOLINE IN THE TANK.... EXPLODING THE BUILDING, killing the cops... joe... bonnie.... and lois..., me and my brother can feel the heat of the fire through the tv and smell the burning of the bodies.

Suddenly the screen went black, we saw text on the tv saying, "Were sorry this episode wasnt meant to be showed, this episode was never suppose to be seen by humans.

We get confused. We tried to take the disc out or removed it but it didnt come out. After a few minutes they finally decided to break the dvd player because the disc wouldnt come out, we took it to the BBQ Pit, and we started a fire, and we threw it in, After it burns we see green fire and the screams of the characters in family guy calling our names.