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imported>The Koromo
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Kyo was good friends with him, so it was quite nice to talk to him in the morning while he got his breakfast. Kyo continued "Just a cup of decaf and a bacon egg and cheese sandwich, please."
"Coming right up," Jonathan answered in return. A few minutes later, Kyo was biting down into his sandwich at a table reading a newspaper while sipping some of his coffee. Kyo put his sandwich down, intrigued at the concepts of the newspaper.
The headline was, in traditional bold black words, "MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARANCES OCCURING AROUND DISNEYLAND". Kyo kept his eyes locked on the paper, studying every word. The newspaper article was long yet to the point, describing some mysterious events such as missing tourists, interns, and employees. The article ended with the note that further investigation into the case is upcoming.
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Pushing his chair in hastily, he quickly rushed out the door, but Jonathan stopped him. "Hey! Where you going?"
"I gotta run, Jonathan!" Kyo said, waving at him. "Thanks for the meal." Kyo placed 15 bucks on the counter before continuing out the door.
"Some kids," sighed Jonathan, "I just don't understand 'em."
Kyo's feet rapped hardly on the solid concrete of the ground of the Disneyland themepark, eager to reach his destination quickly. Lateness was never an option in his family, and he always tried his best to overcome it. All around him he heard the cheerful cries of children playing on all variations of rides and attractions.
Finally, ahead of him, Kyo could see the giant Ferris wheel - impossible to miss, and acted like a trail to Mickey's house whenever he had to go there.
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Mickey smiled wider. "We're going to...test something under the Ferris wheel today!"
"Test?" Kyo asked. He had been under the Ferris wheel before, but that was a few years ago. It was quite a good place for testing things and being alone without disturbance, but something about the way Mickey said this seemed...off.
Before Kyo had time to answer, the last thing he felt before passing out was a sharp pain in the back of his head, and the last thing he saw was his head slumping to the ground and his whole body collapsing.
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The sight of Mickey soothed Kyo. "Mickey, what's going on here?" questioned Kyo. "Why the hell am I tied up to this platform?"
Mickey smiled. "Because we're going to have fun, taha, you silly goose!"
Before Kyo could ask him what he meant, Mickey pulled out two white doctor's gloves from his pocket, and put them on. His smile never ceased.
It was at this moment Kyo realized that they were in the cellar below the Ferris wheel. He could hear the faint sounds of children and adults alike laughing on the ride high above them. Mickey turned to Kyo and smiled again, Kyo finally snapped at him and remembered what Mickey said about going into the cellar.
"Mickey, seriously, what the hell is going on here?" He said, still trying to retain his fright, thinking it was a cruel joke. "Why am I in here?"
Mickey's smile lightened, and he answered: "Because I want to play with you, silly, taha. That's why I knocked you out with a wrench and dragged you down here, Kyo."
Kyo's eyes shot open even more than before. "W-what are you saying?"
"I suppose I should explain in more elaborate detail," Mickey went on. "I've played this little game for years, Kyo, and at many different themeparks I've been to. All of my friends, or at least most of them, I have invited to my house and played with. And you were next on the list scheduled for today, so oh boy, I just couldn't wait!" Mickey squealed in glee, before stepping into the darkness again.
Seconds later, Mickey pushed a grey, metal cart into Kyo's line of view, and this was where Kyo began to get extremely terrified.
On top of the cart was a tray that was equally grey and metal as the cart - and the said tray was also applied with sickeningly sharp medical tools of all shapes, kinds and sizes. At this point, Kyo began to sweat ferociously, and his voice began to crack when he spoke.
"M-Mickey, w-what i-is, t-that?!" He asked, refusing to believe it was serious.
"It's our Mousekatools, silly!" Mickey answered, giggling carelessly again. "We'll play with them until it ends!"
Kyo's eyes, at this point, were so widened that he could've sworn they almost fell out of his head. However, Kyo's sweating subsided, and his eyes drooped down again. He began to laugh. "Hahahhahah! That was hilarious, Mickey! You really got me there. Like you would ever do this to me, or anybody for that matter! Hehehehhehhe."
Mickey's smile turned into a frown. "I am not laughing. This is not a joke."
Kyo's head shot up. Could what he be saying really be true? Could Mickey really be some kind of mass murderer? Kyo then flashbacked to the morning, where he read about all the disappearances in the newspaper...could it be possible those disappearances linked to Mickey himself?
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Kyo's eyes began to blur. This could not be happening. His entire world began to spin around him. Was this really the fate he was destined to? To be promised hours of torture by an insane psychopath who used to be his friend? Kyo felt lightheaded and wanted to vomit, but nothing came out.
"Anyway..." Mickey intervened Kyo's train of thought and went on, "let us begin!"
Mickey clapped again, dimming the lights even further, but kept them light enough for Kyo to see his horrifying surroundings and make the lighting atmospheric enough for Mickey to begin his torture session.
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Kyo thrashed and thrashed, using even more might than before. However, Mickey had the advantage. He pulled out a remote switch, before pressing a button which tightened and tightened the chain's grip on Kyo even further till the point where his knuckles and shins were sore.
"Don't be silly and try to fight it, Kyo, taha!" laughed Mickey, his demented chuckle bouncing across every wall. "Let us at least begin the fun first!"
Mickey put the remote back on the tray and searched for another device. Pulling out a scissor, he turned toward Kyo, who began to scream. Mickey licked his lips in anticipation and brought the scissor down.
Kyo was completely expecting to feel the first blow from the deadly sharp looking scissors, but instead felt nothing. He peered down hesitantly and saw that Mickey was reluctantly cutting his shirt off, probably to get more space to begin his incision. This relieved Kyo at first, until he realized it would feel even worse if his body was bare.
Mickey finally finished cutting the shirt off at Kyo's neck, before the two halves split and fell onto the two sides of the ground behind him. Kyo peered down again at Mickey, who already began to cut off Kyo's pants. Both of the legs of the pants fell around him, leaving Kyo completely naked except for his underwear.
"M-Mickey! Please! PLEASE DON'T DO THIS TO ME!" Kyotarou begged, tears welling at his eyes. "I'm sorry if I did something mean to you! Just please let me go! Don't hurt me!"
"Awww, it's okay, Kyo, you didn't do anything mean! It's just playtime, that's all!" Mickey craned his hand back to the tray, placing the scissors safely down, before taking out another fierce looking device. This one was a sharp and deadly as hell looking doctor's tool, shaped a bit like a knife, but taken up more by the sharper tip. The tip itself was extremely sharp and could easily peel away flesh.
"Tee hee!" Mickey laughed. "I used this weapon to play with Nodoka. For a shy girl, she was quite the fighter!"
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