Mickey Mouse Pasta: Difference between revisions

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imported>The Koromo
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imported>The Koromo
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It was a nice, quiet, sunny day in Disneyland. The sun was shining, birds were singing, the tourists were exploring, and it was a fine, happy and cheerful day under the sun. The mascots and interns of the theme park were all going about their daily routines, stopping by to say hi to any tourist or passerby.
All except for Kyotarou Suga.
Kyotarou, one of the many interns of the theme park, had gotten a day off today. Before any confusion ensues, Kyotarou turned 21 on February 2nd, 2014. He got a major in English in College, before moving to America and becoming an intern at Disneyland. While he admitted it wasn't the most exciting job, he still got paid a fair amount, so being one didn't hurt.
Today was a particularly "special" day off for him, though. He was going to meet his friend, Mickey Mouse (whowhom was also the star of Disneyland) at his house at the edge of the park, in front of the massive Ferris wheel that took up quite a bit of the skyline at the park.
Kyo, irked from his lack of coffee in the morning, hit the cafe at 8:27 A.M. to get his daily fill before he headed off to his friends house.
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"Hey, Jonathan!" Kyo said to the cashier as he approached the desk.
A bald, fat man turned his head to Kyo, but not before assorting his money he had and putting it in the cash register. He smiled at Kyo and asked "SupWhat's up, Kyo? What would you like to have today?"
Kyo was good friends with him outside of the park, so it was quite nice to talk to him in the morning while he got his breakfast. Kyo continued, "Just a cup of decaf and a bacon egg and cheese sandwich, please."
"Coming right up," Jonathan answered in return. A few minutes later, Kyo was biting down into his sandwich at a table reading a newspaper while sipping some of his coffee. Kyo put his sandwich down, intrigued at the concepts of the newspaper. The headline was, in traditional bold black words, "MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARANCES OCCURRING AROUND DISNEYLAND". Kyo kept his eyes locked on the paper, studying every word. The newspaper article was long yet to the point, describing some mysterious events such as missing tourists, interns, and employees. The article ended with the note that further investigation into the case is upcoming.
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Kyo could do nothing but sob silently as Mickey positioned the olden, rusty hacksaw above his already opened wound. Mickey laughed like a psychopath as he dug the serrated edges of blade into Kyo's wound, causing horrible waves of pain to be shot through his body. Mickey sawed, getting faster and faster, beginning to expose Kyo's bone - faint specks of white were now visible in the crimson, sickening pools of red inside Kyo's body, which were now pouring out from his sides and stomach like a horrendous waterfall. Soon, Mickey's cutting began to stop feeling against flesh, and was now sawing into bone. Kyo screamed to the point that his voice was hoarse, his waves of tears mixing in with the waves of blood. Finally, Mickey smiled, satisfied with the hacksaw's job, and put it back into the kit. Mickey then proceeded to grab another butcher knife, but instead of dashing and slicing and stabbing at random, he grabbed Kyo's right arm, and began to use his two hands to pull it back as if it were a tug of war rope. As he did this, he started to carve into the exposed flesh of Kyo's arm, chunks of meat falling off onto the ground, piling slowly but steadily. Finally, Mickey grunted and yanked back the arm and knife at the same time, and Kyo felt and heard the agonizing "SNAP!" of his right arm's joint, which was now useless - followed quickly after by a large strip of flesh being cut clean from Kyo's same arm, a cut that eventually skinned the entirety of his upper arm. Kyo, whom was now overrode by the horrible mix of tears, blood, and sweat, fell out of consciousness.
Kyo's eyes began to fade back into consciousness, before a cold sweat launched him fully awake. A horrible agony still wracked his body, and after a few seconds he realized he was still trapped beneath his ex best friend Mickey's horrible torture chamber. He wanted to believe this was a dream - that it was some sick fantasy of his generated in his sleep due to something he might've seen or read or heard or ate or smoked the day before, and that his best of friends wasn't committing this horrible crime towards him. But he knew now, specifically after waking up, that this horrific "fantasy" was all too much of a dreadful reality. Kyo attempted to use his right arm, but he soon rediscovered it was now completely useless, torn of flesh and broken of bone, and let out a scream of pain when he tried to so much as move it.
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