Mouse House

Revision as of 08:56, 27 May 2024 by Princeoscar9rises (talk | contribs) (Created page with "I live in a town where there are a lot of dissaperencices the police cant find eny trace of them and no one knows what happend to them but i know and this is how a few weeks a go a married couple moved named jain wallace and mack wallace in to a house where rats live we call it the mice hotel but they didnt know when they walked in every thing was normal ontill a minute later mrs.wallace screamed and ran out she sead she screamed becouse when she opend a cabnet to put th...")
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I live in a town where there are a lot of dissaperencices the police cant find eny trace of them and no one knows what happend to them but i know and this is how a few weeks a go a married couple moved named jain wallace and mack wallace in to a house where rats live we call it the mice hotel but they didnt know when they walked in every thing was normal ontill a minute later mrs.wallace screamed and ran out she sead she screamed becouse when she opend a cabnet to put the silverware in she saw rats in the capnet mr.wallace sead he’d call a exterminater tommowro the next day the exterminater came he hade blue eyes and blond hair he went in but somthing strange happend they didnt here enything and he was in there for a houre ontill mr. and mrs.wallace went in to see what was wronge and they found the exterminaters cloth and a mouse with the same blue eyes and the same blond hair then the other mice came they sead that there eyes turnd bright yello they ran as fast as they could out of there and told the police what happend when they went there they didnt find enything strange just tons of rats they looked every where and found nothing but more and more rats they gave up and looked every where els and as i told you before i know what happend to the missing people the rats in the house welll there the people turnd into mice i tryed to tell the police but they thout i was crazy im going there tomorro to with a camera to see for my self what happens there.

Originally posted on, 6 July 2012 by M.S

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