My house is haunted for reals and it's spoopy

A few months ago, me and my wife relocated to a different city after I took a tempting job promotion. It was hard leaving our old house, especially with all our "firsts" as a new couple, until we found a perfect fit not far from where my office was. The house seemed, quiet, and like "home" I guess you could say... Until about 3 weeks into our stay.

On Tuesday nights I usually arrive home at 10 pm, but I finished up earlier to get home to my wife. When I arrived home, I heard a strange "moan" I guess you could say... Coming from our masterbedroom, at first I was concerned until I heard my wife's blood curdling scream. I shouted up the stairwell "Sarah what's wrong!?". I ran up the stairs, and when I got to the top I saw a black figure dart out the window. I flipped on the lights and my wife was sleeping, with a big pool of wetness you could say in the bed. I awoke my wife and she thought I was being hysterical, thinking there was a ghost in the house.

This isn't the only time I've heard my wife scream in her sleep. I was raised Roman Catholic, and consulted a priest to come in and bless our house. Everything seemed to be fine for a while, until I came home early again on a Tuesday night and saw my T.V. floating in the air, I screamed and the apparition dropped it and quickly disappeared.... Since then I tried Lavender, removing old items, and consulting a psychic. Nothing has worked, and this stress is really getting to me. I keep dreaming about my wife screaming in her sleep, and r and b music playing in the background.

I'm at a loss guys, what should I do? Could this be a demon in my house? Any help would be greatly appreciated, and I'll give as much detail as possible if you need for information to make an assessment.

Credited to paranormailbeliever2 

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