PSA: Stop putting evil ghosts into 8 bit video games

There once was an evil retro video game. It was called "MAHARITO" and I saw it at best buy for the NES in 1985. Back then.. we called "best buy" "funco land".

It was a black cartridge that had "MAHARITO" written on it in black sharpie. I bought it for $1 after the employee started pissing himself and crying because I got the last copy, trying to scare me by telling me it was an evil video game.

When I got home I put it into my NES. A blank title screen came up...

... And nothing happened. You see it turns out the NES only had 2kb of on board RAM, and the game's hyper-realistic blood, screams, and satanic speeches bloated the game's size to a few gigabytes, let alone before it started taking pictures of me on the toilet. In hindsight I have no idea what kind of moron would think they could seriously fit and run all of those things on a 384kb cartridge.

Credited to magicbluejelly 

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