Pingu's Fairground Fun

I just Found a Lost Episode of a 80's Stop Motion Children Series called Pingu. Its one of my Childhood Memories Since back then And I Loved the characters but I move on Until 2013. This is where I find it strange. I was going to the fair with my Son and Daughter. I came across Break a plate game and I Saw plushie's of Spongebob.

My Two Kids wanted these toys so deciding to play I hit 3 plates. You see I'm good at throwing balls when I was 16 years old when I first throw the baseball to the person with the bat. after getting all the plates being smashed and broken I finally get a surprise. Well instead He handed me a VHS tape. Weird I said. I went home and the kids were going to their beds sleeping. I check whats inside and saw it was Named Pingu's Fairground fun, is this mean't that it was a Episode of Pingu I Remember? So Putting the tape on the player and I sat on the Couch. The Episode began Outside of Pingu's house. The light rises and the camera zooms to the door. Then it opens and a loud Noot Noot sound came in. it almost made me jump up. Pingu walks out and stand still. a Newspaper was flying towards and hit Him. the camera cuts to Pingu where he looks down. Pingu picks up the Newspaper saying the Fair in town. well the bottem of the text was unsettling. It said that the Pengus Ferria wheel killing 80 penguins and injuring 7. I was kinda confused that it was a friendly cartoon not death. the next page was about Energy crisis. It talked about alcohol and even drugs. why It makes no sense at all. Pingu then moves the Newspaper down and shows that the Fair far next to him and his house. it cuts to Pingu with his beak showing a smile. the scene cuts to Him again while passing some fairground stuff. he went to the Cotten Candy place which misspelled Kotten Kandee. the penguin said "With a Fine Young gentlemen Like yourself, Enjoy some delicious Cotten Candy". the camera cuts to Pingu Imagining about licking the Cotten Candy. Pingu then gives the coin to the penguin and happily licks the Cotten. a penguin walks up to him and also licks. Pingu then Eats the penguin. I was scared at this point because why did he kill him? He then finshes The Candy Cotten and thumbs up. The screen went black and shows "what did pingu do wrong?" there's 3 questions. " decided to pick the 3rd one until It gets strange. Great I said. the screen shows pingu being not happy anymore. the texts appeared and told that It was record of a threat of security. I stop it and I was freaking out that it was a pirted vhs but no. How did this ended up in this Fairground?

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