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''What follows is the entire text of [[Blood Whistle]] with the word "blood" and variations thereof replaced with the word "poop" and "red" in relation to blood with "brown." NothingThe elseimages hashave been changededited, but everything else is the original text. I did this on a whim and to my surprise, it was so funny I decided to make it its own page. If this breaks any rules, I am sorry!''
[[Image:Blood Whistle[[File:Poopwhistle.jpg|thumb|What the Poop Whistle looked like.]]
This is the recorded blog of a college student who was playing a modified version of Super Mario Brothers 3 on his computer. Shortly after submitting the last entry, he committed suicide in his dorm room.
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I wish I hadn’t unlocked that secret. This game will be the bane of my existence. I’ll try as best as I can to explain what happened and what will certainly entail. I don’t know if any of you will believe me, but this sick mockery of one of my childhood favorites must be exploited and never be seen by the eyes of any other breathing man on god’s green earth. And Todd (what I’ll call my friend for the sake of privacy and possibly security), DO NOT send that link to anyone else. You’ll see why below.
[[Image:Blood whistle[[File:[[File:Poop_whistle.png|thumb|325px|My first encounter with the Poop Whistle.]]
I entered the castle stage. Knowing its only secret was the warp whistle, I disposed of a dry bones before donning a raccoon tail. With a running start I was flying above the stage until I hit the secret area. My whole life before I hit up on my arrow keypad was completely different. I was happy. I was normal. I could wake up in the morning recognizing my own reflection, being absolute about my safety. Now it’s lies. All lies. I know that as of what happened today, my life will become an infernal hell in which every day will be a futile struggle to retain my own sanity. After finishing this wretched collage of electronic dejection, I will embrace death like a long lost lover with open arms. Now to get on with what had come to pass.
Anonymous user