So, as you can tell, or in other words, can't if you havent played the game, Red dead Redemption tries to put you into the footsteps of an american cowboy in 1911, the late stages of when the army, and the police tried to put an end to the era of outlaws, and bandits. You play as John Marston, a former outlaw on the border of Mexico, trying to redeem himself to save his family from a backstabbing sherriff who will make you kill the members of your former gang to earn your family back. I've been playing this game since it came out, and on this very day, a strange occurance happened, something, that i cannot describe shortly, so here goes, the tale of the redeemed, and the unfortunate.

As I walked onto the train in blackwater, (trying to cut down time needed to get to fort mercer) the least thing I wanted to do was accidentally fire off a round and get my bounty to some ungodly level to the point of the army trying to take me down, but I later realized, my real worst fear would be to sit down on the train. As i did so, an eere fog rested among the outskirts of the town, and, thinking it was just the in-game weather changing, I shrigged it off, but then, the scariest of things began to happen, the fog crept into the town, so close that I couldn't even see ten feet infront of me, and to my suprise, two people, their skin gray, began slowly crawling towards the side of the train.

Now, by then i thought it could be a random event, a sort of 'day of the dead' theme because the game took place near mexico, and that these people were just dressed as zombies. but after a closer look, they had bullet holes throughout their body. I checked to make sure that i wasn't on undead nightmare (the zombie addon) but then i remembered that the train isnt even in that addon. All of the sudden two arms grabbed Jack from behind the chair he was sitting on and held him down, seconds later, all of the faces in the train turned at me to reveal horribly disfigured, beaten in faces that appear to have been dead for quite some time.

But then I looked, closer, closer into the faces of the people and saw that they were the main characters of the story. on one side was Javier Esquela, Dutch Van Der Linde, and Bill williamson, the main antagonists of the series. On the other side was full of characters who helped you through the story, people like Bonnie MacFarlane, Luisa Fortuna, and Nigel West Dickens. (I had already beaten the campaign so i was playing as Jack) But even though he had probably never seen them, he recognised them like he saw them the other day. The train started, and took off, i dont mean flew, but it started driving as fast as possible, so fast the game couldn't keep up.

The map was loading slower than the train, the entire train was hovering over some void in the map. The only way i can describe it is that it had just flown to some other dimension in the game, and i was approaching some sort of new realm, as the zombified characters stared at me, i could do nothing, not even draw my gun, as the two arms were holding Jacks down. when i reached the realm, the arms let go and i was pushed out of the train, expecting to fall through the ground due to the fact that there was no floor, i was suprised to see that my character had fallen off of the train onto armadillo, only, it had a darker side to it. it resembled tumbleweed, with broken windows, rotted walls, and the crows were flying like locusts. the train departed before i could get back onto it, and i was stuck in a ghost town, which i soon figured out wasnt even close to that.

I had looked into my inventory to find that the only two guns i had were the cattleman revolver and the repeating rifle, the two guns you start out with. seconds after i drew them out, I saw the ghostly, pale, zombified faces of such western outlaws as; Billy the kid, Jesse James, Calamity Jane, John Chisum, and Jack McCall (i had taken an interest in western movies so i had recognized these faces) but some people in the town I could not recognize. Scared and running out of options, I fled to the top of the saloon to where i took aim at Jesse James, quickly He drew, almost as fast as they said he could in legend, but he couldn't pull the trigger in time, I had taken the shot, and knocked his head clean off, but then something happened, he stood up, and with no head called upon the other people to chase me down.

I leaped off the balcony and took off towards the sherriffs office, trying to find something to help me. Then I remembered that i could call upon my horse, and take myself out of the town quickly. i whistled for my horse, but instead of my blonde horse, out came the four horses of the apocalypse, war, pestilience, death, and famine. I went to go for one, but then a voice shouted out, it was Landon rickets, the cowboy from las hermanas. he said, "War brings death, death brings pestilience, pestilience brings famine, and famine creates war. the cycle always repeats, so no horse is any less suitable to ride".

I ran to the war horse, and lept on, i rode away, as fast as possible, but to my suprise the zombified outlaws picked up pace, and were running as fast as my horse. one of them reached up, and dragged me down. there they started attacking me, all of them, they chanted out loud that you could never trust a person as long as they lived if they lived the life if crime as they did, they were punching, and kicking me for at least ten minutes until the familiar dead screen came up. but it wouldn't go away.

I took the disc out, and put it back in, but it still just says dead, i tried switching my tv from auxillary (which is what my tv setting is for gaming) to just tv, but the dead was still there. no matter what channel i put it on, it still said 'dead' even after i turned off the tv. so I went to technical support and reported the entire fiasco, and they thought i was prank calling them, so they hung up. after seeing that no-one believed me, I hung up, and slept, then the next day, which is today, I got on the computer to say what had happened to me. just please, if tyou fear for your safety, do NOT, I repeat do NOT EVER sit down in a chair on the trains in this game.

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