Regular Show: Mordecai The Killer

Ever heard of Regular Show? It's about a talking blue jay bird and a raccoon having fun and making their boss Benson angry. The show was cancelled in 2017 because of season 8. I missed the show so much, I had good memories

watching this show with my friends, but here's a story that made me NOT to watch Regular Show anymore. I used to like Cartoon Network, I usually like Lego Ninjago, Teen Titans, Adventure Time and We Bare Bears. But my favorite show is Regular show. I was alone on Saturday, I was so board and decided to watch Transformers the last knight on my TV. While I was watching the movie, my door bell rang, I said "who's there?" 3 seconds of silence and there's no answer so I have to check by myself. There was no one, I looked down and there was a strange DVD on my mat. The DVD was called Regular Show: Mordecai The Killer. I said "cool a new regular show DVD" I was shocked about the name "Killer" but I was confused that maybe Mordecai killed somebody in the episode, I never saw a regular show DVD with a messed up writing before. The writing on the dvd was written in marker, I ignored it so I went to my bedroom and I put the strange film on my ps4, the film opened with a strange menu. It was scary, their eyes were black and they have red dots on their eyes, even the season 1 title was replaced with a 0. I was so scared, but I ignored it so I just pressed play.

I pressed play and it started the intro, but the intro was not as usual instead of the black and blue colours that always appear on the intro, this time they were red and black, a very dark red that look like blood and the weird music (like in the actual title screen) was slow and backwards. I thought it was a new season or something, so I was not really scared. After the title appeared, it started the episode, the episode started with the regular show house, the scene lasted for 3 minutes. Screams happening in this scene and even moaning. I was very confused and scared about that scene. The scene ended and it cut to Mordecai and Rigby arguing about a game. Rigby yelled "I WANNA PLAY THIS GAME" I laughed that Rigby was acting like a 4 year old. Mordecai said "DUDE, I WANNA PLAY A WRESTLING GAME, I'M SICK AND TIRED OF PLAYING THE SAME GAME THAT WE ALWAYS PLAY" Rigby said "FINE" They started the game and there was player 1 and player 2 on the bottom. Rigby yelled "I WANNA BE PLAYER 1" I felt like this part was from the episode Death Punchies. Mordecai yelled "NO DUDE, I WANNA BE PLAYER 1" Rigby said "well let's do a staring contest and we'll see who's gonna be player 1" Mordecai said "ok, if I win, I'LL be player 1 and if you win, you'll be player 1" I was so excited to see them staring at each other so one of them will be player 1. They started but..........the TV screen, froze, my TV never freezes, maybe the episode is freezing. Suddenly, screams and moaning started happening while they're staring each other, even a creepy music box was playing in the background while Mordecai and Rigby started staring at each other. I got a heart attack so bad, Rigby blinked and Mordecai hit Rigby in the arm like Superman. I felt bad for Rigby about his arm. Why Mordecai always hitting his best friend for no reason? Rigby yelled "DUDE, MY EYES WERE HURTING, THAT WAS A FOUL RIGHT THERE, RETRY!!!!!!!! Mordecai said "Ok, but if I win.......I'LL KILL YOU!!!!! I was shocked that he's gonna kill Rigby. They started again, the scene started happening like before. The scary scene was for 10 minutes and after the 10 minutes, the screen fainted to black. I said to myself "is the video end?" I checked how long is the black screen would take but there's more video to continue this strange video. I got a drink because I was thirsty, after the 10 minutes, it continued with Mordecai and Rigby staring each other. The noise ended and then.................Rigby blinked, Mordecai grabbed a BIG butcher knife and he stabbed Rigby in the throat, blood splattering everywhere, Rigby cried and Mordecai laughed like the devil. I got scared and confused about this scene. I cried "WHY MORDECAI KILLED HIS BEST FRIEND?" and then Rigby glitched and disappeared. The screen fainted to black for 2 seconds and it continued with Mordecai wiping the blood on the couch. Mordecai switched off the game console and he watched a strange woman hanging herself. I was very scared and I will have nightmares about this Mordecai killed Rigby with a knife scene, Benson appeared and he said "MORDECAI, WHERE'S RIGBY?" he said "oh he went to the cinema watching a movie that he likes" Benson said "Good" and then..........Mordecai got an evil grin on his face, he grabbed the butcher knife and broke Benson's head and Mordecai laughed like before when he killed Rigby. The scene ended and it cut to Rigby saying

"YOU'RE NEXT" The image scared me alot, the background was very blood red and it has the Cartoon Network logo on the bottom right. He has hyper realistic red eyes and the house was behind him. The show ended. The end credits was like from the intro, BLOOD RED and DARK BLACK, even the cool music was backwards and the title of the end credits was "written by no one" I was scared so much and after the end credits there was a Russian text says

ты следующий! (you're next!) After the episode ended, the power went out. I checked the power generator but the power is still not working, I was completely scared and I went back to my bedroom, after I went to my bedroom the power went on by itself. Then the DVD came out of the ps4 by itself, I took the DVD out of my ps4 and destroyed the DVD with a mallet. It broke into pieces and I threw the pieces of the DVD in a trashbag, after I threwed the DVD, I called my friend if I can have a sleepover with him at his house, he said yes so I left the house and went to my friend's house for a sleepover. I'm scared to tell him about the dvd but I said nothing. My friend said "wanna watch regular show?" I said "no no, I'm alright, how about we watch Ninjago" so me and my friend watched Ninjago, after watching the episode of Ninjago, we slept. I got nightmares about the dvd, one with Rigby came to my friend's room and stabbed me and my friend in our sleep like Mordecai killed Rigby. I woke up and I felt like I was going to the bathroom to wash my face but I'm too afraid to go to the bathroom so I didn't. I went to the kitchen to get some water so it will help me sleep well, after putting some water in my friend's cup, I heard.....Rigby saying YOU'RE NEXT (seven times) and old static noises on my friend's radio. I would never...EVER see that terrifying episode again. In the morning I was very VERY scared about that split second frame of Rigby saying "YOU'RE NEXT" When I went home I contact the creator of Regular Show (J.G Quintel) telling him about the strange DVD. He said "I never heard of an episode or DVD called Regular Show: Mordecai the killer, why you asked me that?" I told him that after the episode, there was a split second image of Rigby saying you're next. He thought that I was joking and he checked all episodes of regular show and there's none of them titled Regular Show: Mordecai the killer, I asked him that in the episode Mordecai killed Rigby and Benson with a butcher knife but he still thinks that I joking. I told him that I was telling truth about Mordecai killed Rigby and Benson with a knife, after saying the truth about the scene, he said "YOU'RE NEXT" 10 times and showed me the image of Rigby saying "YOU'RE NEXT" (just like in the episode) The image scared me alot and I switched off my mobile and I went to sleep so I will never think about that episode again. WARNING: If you find a dvd titled "Regualr show: Mordecai the killer" DON'T WATCH IT, JUST DESTROY IT!!!!!!

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