Hello. Since you're here, I can imagine you're prepared to be scared, are you not? Take the scariest thing you can fathom in the depths of your mind and multiply it by ten. You're not even close to how unimaginably horrifying how, utterly, horrible, terrible, piss your pants ungodly horror this is. Take that thought you found and times it by a million, you're now getting closer, but, I have one more test for your mind.

Now take the top worst nightmares you ever had, the ones you ran screaming to your parents over, waking up drenched in sweat. Or, when you get that heart stopping diagnosis, that utter second of complete terror. When you feel all alone, empty, and cold.

And now, now you can fathom my horror, the pink + sign, and no job. Lesson learned, use a condom. The hours of pleasure are nothing compared to the years of torture. That's my lesson, my story, take it to heart.

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